Home Symptoms Constant burping: 7 main causes and what to do

Constant burping: 7 main causes and what to do


Burping, also called eructation, occurs due to the accumulation of air in the stomach and is a natural process of the body. However, when belching becomes constant it may be a sign of a specific situation such as swallowing too much air, which can occur when a person breathes a lot through his mouth, talks during a meal and has a habit of chewing gum.

Some diseases can also lead to the appearance of constant belching such as gastroesophageal reflux, gastric ulcer and hiatal hernia and, in these cases, other symptoms such as pain and burning in the stomach and regurgitation may be associated.

Generally, it is possible to reduce the number of burps with a change in habits, such as avoiding carbonated drinks, however, if this persists and, if these burps appear with other symptoms, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist to analyze the causes and indicate the better treatment.

Some diseases and situations can be related to the occurrence of constant burping, such as:

1. Gastroesophageal reflux

Gastroesophageal reflux is a disease that occurs when the stomach contents return to the esophagus and mouth, leading to a burning sensation, heartburn, pain in the chest and bitter taste in the mouth, due to the acidity of the gastric juice. Often, people with this type of disease also have constant burping, because the movement of the return of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, produces a lot of air.

What to do: gastric juice is a very acidic liquid and when it returns to the esophagus it can cause injuries and ulcers, so when these symptoms appear it is important to consult a gastroenterologist who can order tests such as digestive endoscopy, phmetria or X-ray, and then, indicate the treatment that may involve medications that inhibit acid production, antacids, medicines that help regulate stomach motility and gastric protectors, for example. See more how the treatment for gastroesophageal reflux is done.

2. Hiatal hernia

Hiatal hernia, or hiatus hernia, causes symptoms such as heartburn, burning, bitter taste in the mouth and frequent belching and can be caused by obesity, chronic cough or excessive physical activity that requires a lot of strength. This condition occurs due to a dilation of the entrance area of ​​the stomach, allowing the return of gastric juice to the esophagus, leading to the appearance of symptoms.

What to do: the symptoms of hiatal hernia are very similar to those of other diseases, so it is necessary to consult the gastroenterologist to assess the causes through tests and to recommend treatment, which in most cases, consists of the use of medications for relieve symptoms, such as antacids and gastric protectors, and in some cases, hernia repair surgery is indicated. See other symptoms of hiatal hernia and what treatment is indicated.

3. Some types of food

The ingestion of certain foods can favor the appearance of constant belching and flatulence, because during digestion, they produce a lot of air in the stomach and intestine. Some of these foods can be vegetables, like peas and beans, green vegetables like broccoli, kale and cabbage.

The use of candies and chewing gum also cause constant burping as they cause the person to ingest a high amount of air, in addition to contributing to the increased production of gastric juice.

What to do: People who feel discomfort because they burp too often should reduce the consumption of foods whose digestion produces too many gases and avoid the use of chewing gum.

4. Gastric ulcer

Gastric ulcer, or stomach ulcer, is a type of wound that forms on the inner wall of the stomach and causes symptoms such as pain, burning, nausea and frequent burping. This type of illness can be caused by the excessive use of medications, such as anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics, or by the excessive intake of very acidic foods and alcoholic beverages.

There are varying degrees of this disease, so when the first symptoms appear it is important to consult a gastroenterologist who can recommend an endoscopy to see if there is an infection by the H. pylori bacteria or any bleeding in the stomach.

What to do: To alleviate the symptoms of gastric ulcer it is recommended to eat a balanced diet, recommended by a nutritionist, which is rich in vegetables, fruits, skimmed milk and lean meats and one should not fast for the gastric juice for a long time. it doesn't hurt the stomach. Drug treatment is indicated by the doctor and consists of the use of drugs that reduce stomach acid.

5. Aerated and fermented drinks

The ingestion of aerated and fermented drinks, such as soda and beer, mainly with the aid of a straw, causes the stomach to fill with air, causing constant burping. These drinks have a high content of sugar and carbon dioxide in their composition and, during digestion, cause an increase in air in the stomach and because of excess sugar can lead to the onset of diseases, such as diabetes.

What to do: the intake of soft drinks should be avoided, as this way, it is possible to reduce constant burping and decrease the risk of developing other diseases. Understand better why soda is bad for your health.

6. Lactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance occurs because the body cannot digest the sugar present in milk and dairy products, such as cheese and yogurt. Generally, the symptoms of this condition appear soon after eating dairy products and can be abdominal cramps, constant burping, bloating in the belly and flatulence.

To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist who may order blood, stool, ultrasound or, in more severe cases, intestinal biopsy.

What to do: after confirming the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to recommend the use of lactase enzyme drugs and recommend monitoring with a nutritionist, who will establish a diet with foods that can replace products containing milk. See more about the foods to eat in lactose intolerance.

7. Aerophagia

Aerophagia is the act of swallowing air, and this happens when chewing food, during speech or when breathing through the mouth. Constant belching can be caused when this process happens in excess, which can be due to the use of chewing gums, poorly adjusted dental prostheses or when the nose is clogged for a long time.

In addition, people who eat too fast or have a health problem that impairs breathing, such as meat in the nose, may swallow more air than normal. See more about the causes of meat in the nose and what treatment.

What to do: it is important to find out the cause of aerophagia, and in some cases, speech therapy sessions may be indicated to help improve breathing and swallowing movements, for example.

What to do to improve

Most people who have constant burping do not suffer from any serious health condition and, in these situations, it is necessary to change some habits such as avoiding chewing gum, talking with a full mouth or drinking soft drinks. Some home remedies can help reduce this symptom, such as boldo tea. Check out other home remedies that can be used to reduce burping.

However, when this symptom is accompanied by stomach pain, burning sensation, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist to indicate the most appropriate treatment. And if, in addition to constant burping, the person has blood in the stool, unexplained weight loss and fever, it is recommended to seek medical attention as soon as possible, as it may be a sign of other diseases.

Constant burping: 7 main causes and what to do