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Tips for not giving up on the gym


Attending the gym is a good way to lose weight, burn localized fat and lose belly, in addition to being a way to relax and promote a feeling of well-being, especially when you go to the gym or practice physical activities. regularly. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that the results are not immediate and that to maintain the results achieved it is necessary to continue to practice physical activity and maintain an adequate and healthy diet.

Thus it is possible to lose weight in a healthy way, and not to put on weight, improving the quality of life and preventing diseases. Here are 3 tips to find pleasure in the gym so you don't leave the gym and continue attending classes:

1. Be aware

It is important to be aware that the results do not appear overnight and that they happen due to a combination of factors: regular, adequate practice and with orientation of physical activities and balanced diet.

There is no point in going to the gym, sweating a lot for three hours a day, every day and thinking that the results will come up, on the contrary, the practice of physical exercises without guidance can result in injury, removing the person from the gym for weeks, it can mean "go back to square one".

It is also ideal to be aware that, even if you have already reached the desired weight, physical activities and the correct diet must continue so that the results can be long-lasting and that there is an improvement in physical conditioning and quality of life.

2. Have goals

It is important to set goals so that you can have more focus and thus achieve the goal more easily and without sacrifices, in addition to being more regular with going to the gym. One way to set goals is to write down or tell yourself every day what your goal is until the end of the month, for example: "Go to the gym 5 times a week, for 1 hour, to be able to lose 4kg by the end than a month. " Thus, going to the gym does not become an obligation, but a challenge.

After reaching the first goal, for example, another goal can be created so that the practice of exercise remains constant and ends up becoming a routine, such as: "Do not put on weight, continue to eat healthy foods, improve capacity breathing and maximum VO2 ".

It is important to communicate to the nutritionist and the physical education professional so that the diet and the type of training can be indicated according to the goal stipulated by the person.

3. Consider the benefits

One of the ways to not give up on the gym is to train thinking that gym is good for your health and losing weight is just one of the benefits. The intestine improves, the skin is cleaner, the lung increases cerebral oxygenation, improving concentration and memory, the heart strengthens, the bones benefit from muscle strengthening and the disposition increases. See what the benefits of physical activity are.

It is important to practice exercises on a regular basis and guided by a trained professional, so that you can have benefits. One of the options for those who want to go to the gym in order to lose weight is to exercise 4 to 5 times a week, with each workout lasting an average of 1 hour. Find out what is the best exercise to lose weight.

Tips for not giving up on the gym