Home Medicinal Plants The controversial noni fruit: what benefits it has and possible risks

The controversial noni fruit: what benefits it has and possible risks


Noni fruit, whose scientific name is Morinda citrifolia , comes from Southeast Asia, Indonesia and Polynesia, which is widely used in these countries, due to its supposed medicinal and therapeutic properties.

Although it can also be found in Brazil, both in its natural form and in the form of juice, in private houses, the industrialized versions of the fruit are not approved by ANVISA and, therefore, cannot be commercialized.

Due to the lack of studies in humans that prove the benefits of the fruit, as well as the possible toxicity of the fruit, its consumption is discouraged.

Possible benefits of fruit

So far there are few studies done with noni fruit, however, its composition is already well known and, therefore, it is possible to assume the possible benefits of the fruit.

Thus, the substances that may have some activity are:

  1. Vitamin C and other natural antioxidants: can help fight aging and prevent the onset of chronic diseases; Polyphenols, or phenolic compounds: usually have a strong antibiotic and anti-inflammatory potential; Carbohydrates and proteins: they are important sources of energy; Beta-carotene and vitamin A: they can help in the production of collagen, being able to have benefits for the skin, hair and nails, besides being able to strengthen the immune system and to protect the vision; Minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus: are important to maintain the proper functioning of all organs; Other phytonutrients, such as vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, E and folic acid: can reduce free radicals and regulate the body's metabolism.

However, it is important to remember that these benefits are not yet proven in humans, as there are not enough studies to prove their action, dose, contraindications and safety. For this reason, consumption of the fruit should be avoided.

Noni fruit has physical characteristics very similar to soursop and the count's fruit, however, these fruits should not be confused, as they have very different properties.

Why noni is not approved

Although it has the potential to have several health benefits, noni fruit is not approved by Anvisa, at least for the production and sale of industrialized products. This happens for two main reasons: first because there are no studies done in humans that prove the safety of the fruit in humans, and then, because some cases were reported in 2005 and 2007 of severe liver damage after ingesting noni juice.

This side effect was more observed in people who consumed an average of 1 to 2 liters of noni juice over an approximate period of 4 weeks, but for safety reasons it is not recommended to consume this fruit in any quantity.

Thus, the noni fruit should only be approved by Anvisa as soon as there are studies that prove its safety in humans.

Learn to recognize the symptoms of liver problems.

Noni fruit fights cancer?

In popular culture, noni fruit has the potential to cure several diseases, including cancer, depression, allergies and diabetes, however its use is not safe and can put your health at risk. For this reason, noni consumption is not recommended until there is concrete evidence of its safety and effectiveness, with tests performed on humans.

Right now, a substance called damnacanthal, a compound extracted from noni roots, is being studied in several cancer researches, but still with no satisfactory results.

Noni fruit lose weight?

Despite the frequent reports that noni fruit helps with weight loss, it is still not possible to affirm this information, as more scientific studies are needed to prove this effect and what is the effective dose to achieve it. In addition, it is normal to experience rapid weight loss when the body is ill, and it is more likely that the weight loss from noni consumption is not for the expected reasons, but for the development of liver disease.

The controversial noni fruit: what benefits it has and possible risks