Home Medicinal Plants What is garcinia cambogia and main side effects for

What is garcinia cambogia and main side effects for


Garcinia cambogia is a medicinal plant, also known as citrus, malabar tamarind, Goraka and oil tree, whose fruit, similar to a small pumpkin, can be used to assist in the weight loss process, regulate cholesterol levels and improve levels energy, for example

Garcinia cambogia can be found in health food stores or in the form of capsules that should be consumed according to the herbalist's guidance to avoid overdosing and side effects.

What is Garcinia Cambogia for

Garcinia has been widely used to assist in the weight loss process, however its effectiveness is still being studied. This plant consists of hydroxycitric acid, which is capable of acting on an enzyme that acts in the process of converting carbohydrate into fat. Thus, the garcinia can interfere in this process and cause the excess sugar not to enter the cells, but to be eliminated in the urine and feces.

In addition, garcinia cambogia can be considered a natural appetite suppressant because it stimulates the production of serotonin, increasing the sensation of pleasure and well-being.

Although it can be used in weight loss, its effects are questioned by many researchers, since the weight loss resulting from the use of the medicinal plant is not significant and can vary according to the person's habits and lifestyle, such as practice of physical activities and low-calorie diet, weight loss may have happened as a result of these attitudes and not due to the use of the medicinal plant, for example.

Garcinia also has anti-inflammatory, flavoring, antioxidant and anti-viral properties, being able to regulate cholesterol levels, help in the treatment of ulcers, rheumatism, constipation and dysentery, in addition to improving energy levels and the system immune.

How to use garcinia cambogia

Garcínia cambogia should be used as directed by the herbalist and can be consumed in tea or in capsules. It is usually recommended for adults to consume 1 to 2 capsules of 500 mg per day about 1 hour before meals.

The recommended daily dose may vary according to the person's age and goal, and the consumption of fewer capsules per day may be indicated, for example.

It is important that the use of this medicinal plant, especially when the goal is weight loss, is made in association with a balanced diet and the practice of physical activity so that the results are more lasting. Learn how to eliminate visceral fat.

Side effects and contraindications

It is important that the use of Garcínia Cambogia be made according to the guidance of the herbalist or nutritionist to avoid side effects, such as nausea, headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, fever, dry mouth and stomach pain, for example.

In addition, this plant should not be used in pregnant women, children, diabetics, people who use antidepressants that promote the increase in serotonin, since garcinia also promotes the increase in serotonin, which can become toxic to the body.

What is garcinia cambogia and main side effects for