Home Medicinal Plants Ginger: what it is for, how to use it (and 5 common doubts)

Ginger: what it is for, how to use it (and 5 common doubts)


Ginger serves to help you lose weight and help treat poor digestion, heartburn, nausea, gastritis, cold, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, cough, muscle pain, blood circulation problems and arthritis.

This is a medicinal plant that has a spicy flavor and can be used to season food, reducing the need for salt. This root can also be used to treat circulatory problems, colds or inflammations, such as sore throat, for example.

Its scientific name is Zingiber officinalis and can be purchased in health food stores, drugstores, markets and street markets, in its natural form, in powder or capsules.

Check out the 7 main health benefits of ginger.

What is it for

Ginger's properties include its anticoagulant, vasodilator, digestive, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, analgesic, antipyretic and antispasmodic action.

How to use

The used parts of Ginger are the roots for making tea or seasoning meals, for example.

  • Ginger tea for colds and sore throats: place 2 to 3 cm of ginger root in a pan with 180 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Strain, let cool and drink up to 3 times a day; Ginger compress for rheumatism: grate the ginger and apply to the painful area, cover with gauze and let it act for about 20 minutes.

See also how to prepare ginger juice to speed up metabolism.

Possible side effects

The most common side effects that can be caused by Ginger include stomach upset and drowsiness, but usually only occur when consumed in excess.

Who should not use

Ginger is contraindicated for allergic people and for those using anticoagulant drugs, such as warfarin, because it can increase the risk of bleeding. In addition, people with high blood pressure and who use medications to control pressure should only consume ginger according to medical advice, as it can interfere with the effect of the medicine, uncontrolling the pressure.

During pregnancy, the maximum dose of ginger should be 1g for each kg of weight, so this root can be used in the form of zest to relieve nausea during pregnancy.

Nutritional information for Ginger

Components Quantity per 100 g
Energy 80 calories
Protein 1.8 g
Fats 0.8 g
Carbohydrates 18 g
Fibers 2 g
Vitamin C 5 mg
Potassium 415 mg

Common Questions

1. Is eating ginger bad?

When consumed in excess, ginger can cause stomach upset in people with a sensitive stomach, children, and can also cause drowsiness. In addition, it is not indicated for people taking anticoagulant drugs.

2. Does ginger thin the blood?

Yes, eating ginger on a regular basis helps to 'thin' the blood, being useful in case of high blood pressure, for example, but it should be avoided by people taking medicines like warfarin, because it can increase the risk of bleeding.

3. Does ginger increase the pressure?

People with high blood pressure and who use medications to control pressure should only consume ginger according to medical advice, as it can interfere with the effect of the medicine, uncontrolling the pressure.

4. Does ginger increase immunity?

Yes, the consumption of ginger in powders, flakes and ginger tea improves the body's response to infections and, therefore, this is a great ally against colds and flu, for example.

5. Does ginger lose weight?

Ginger root has a stimulating action and, therefore, can help to increase the metabolism and consequently the energy expenditure of the body, but it will only be useful to lose weight if the person is on a diet and physical activity.

Ginger recipes

Ginger can be used in sweet and savory recipes. The finely chopped or grated root can be used in sauces, sauerkraut, tomato sauce and in oriental meals, for example. Ground, it can be used in cakes, cookies, breads and hot drinks.

1. Lemon juice with ginger and mint

This recipe is easy to prepare and can be a good option to cool off.


  • 1 tablespoon of lemon peels; 300 ml of lemon juice; 1 tablespoon of ginger with peel; 1 cup of mint tea; 150 ml of warm water; 1200 ml of cold water; 250 g of sugar.

Method of preparation

Prepare mint tea with leaves and hot water first, then whisk all ingredients in a blender, strain and serve ice cream.

2. Minced meat with ginger sauce

This recipe is simple, tasty and can be used to accompany pasta, such as stuffing wraps or roasted peppers, for example.


  • 500 g ground beef; 2 ripe tomatoes; 1 onion; 1/2 red pepper; Parsley and chives to taste; Salt and ground ginger to taste; 5 crushed garlic cloves; 2 tablespoons of olive oil or oil; 300 mL of water.

Method of preparation

Place the garlic and onion in a pan, together with a little oil or olive oil until golden brown. Add the meat and let it brown for a few minutes, stirring constantly. Gradually add 150 ml of water and the other ingredients until the caramel begins to cook and taste. Check that the meat is cooking well and add the remaining water, leaving on medium heat for approximately 20 minutes or until the meat is well cooked.

3. Ginger water

Ginger water is great for adding flavor to the water, and also to help you lose weight.


  • Sliced ​​ginger; 1 L of water.

Method of preparation

Slice the ginger and add in 1 liter of water, and let it stand overnight. Take during the day, without sweetening.

4. Pickled ginger


  • 400 g of ginger; 1/2 cup of sugar; 1 cup of vinegar; 3 teaspoons of salt; 1 approximately 1/2 liter glass container with lid.

Method of preparation

Peel the ginger and then slice, leaving the slices thin and long. Cook only in water until boiling and then let it cool naturally. Then, add the other ingredients and bring to the fire to cook for about 5 minutes after boiling over low heat. After that, you must store the ginger in a glass container for at least 2 days before eating.

This homemade ginger preserves lasts for about 6 months, if always kept in the refrigerator.

Ginger: what it is for, how to use it (and 5 common doubts)