

Sesame is a medicinal plant, also known as sesame, widely used as a home remedy for constipation or to combat hemorrhoids.

Its scientific name is Sesamum indicum and can be purchased in some markets, health food stores, street markets and in handling pharmacies.

What sesame is for

Sesame is used to help treat constipation, hemorrhoids, bad cholesterol and excess blood sugar. In addition, it improves skin elasticity, delays the appearance of gray hair and strengthens tendons and bones.

Sesame properties

The properties of sesame include its astringent, analgesic, anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, diuretic, relaxing and repellent properties.

How to use sesame

The used parts of the sesame are its seeds.

Sesame can be used in the preparation of bread, cakes, crackers, soups, salads, yogurt and beans.

Side effects of sesame

The side effect of sesame is constipation when consumed in excess.

Contraindications for sesame

Sesame is contraindicated for patients with colitis.

Nutritional information of sesame

Components Quantity per 100 g
Energy 573 calories
Proteins 18 g
Fats 50 g
Carbohydrates 23 g
Fibers 12 g
Vitamin A 9 UI
Calcium 975 mg
Iron 14.6 mg
Magnesium 351 mg