Home Medicinal Plants Main health benefits of wheat grass

Main health benefits of wheat grass


Wheatgrass can be considered a superfood, as it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes, having several health benefits.

This plant can be found in health food stores, supermarkets or garden stores, for example, and can be used to regulate hormone levels, improve the functioning of the immune system, regulate appetite and prevent skin aging, for example.

Wheat Grass Benefits

Wheat grass is rich in chlorophyll, which is a pigment present in the plant and has antioxidant properties, helping to eliminate toxins from the body and thus improve metabolism and favor the weight loss process. In addition, wheat grass can be considered an alkaline food, helping in the process of eliminating toxins from the body.

Thus, wheat grass can be used to:

  • Control cholesterol and glucose levels in the blood; Accelerate the healing process; Regulates appetite; Prevents natural skin aging; Helps in the weight loss process; Improves digestion and bowel function; Promotes hormonal balance; Improves functioning of the immune system; Prevents and assists in the treatment of skin and dental diseases.

Among the properties of wheat grass are its antioxidant, antiseptic, healing and purifying properties, which is why it has several health benefits.

How to consume

Wheat grass can be found in health food stores, supermarkets, garden stores and on the internet, and can be sold in grains, capsules or in its natural form.

To have maximum benefits, it is recommended to take a fasting wheat grass juice, which should be done by squeezing the leaves. However, the taste of the juice can be a little intense and, therefore, to make the juice you can add fruits, for example, so that the flavor is smoother.

It is also possible to grow wheat grass at home and then use it to make the juice. To do this, you need to wash the grains of the wheat grass thoroughly and then place them in a container with water and leave for about 12 hours. Then, the water must be removed from the container and washed daily for about 10 days, which is the period when the grains begin to germinate. As soon as all the grains germinate, there is the wheat grass, which can be used to make the juice.

Main health benefits of wheat grass