Home Symptoms Guacamole



Guacamole is a famous Mexican dish made from avocado, onion, tomato, lemon, pepper and cilantro, which brings health benefits related to each ingredient. What stands out most in this dish is its richness in avocado welcome fats and its high antioxidant power, a characteristic given by vegetables and lemon juice.

So, according to its 5 basic ingredients, the benefits of guacamole are:

1. Avocado

Avocado is rich in good fats that improve cholesterol, give you more satiety and help with intestinal transit. in addition, it is also rich in omega-3, an essential nutrient for the proper functioning of the brain and to prevent diseases such as memory loss, Alzheimer's and heart problems. See all the benefits of avocado.

2. Tomato

In addition to avocado, tomatoes are also a powerful antioxidant due to their high amount of lycopene, an antioxidant molecule found in red vegetables. Due to lycopene, tomatoes prevent heart problems, premature aging, protect and vision and prevent cancer, being mainly linked to the prevention of prostate cancer.

3. Onion

Onions have health benefits such as lowering bad cholesterol, helping to control pressure in people with hypertension, strengthening the immune system and preventing premature aging.

4. Coriander

Coriander is a spice widely used in cooking and brings benefits such as improving digestion, stimulating the body's detoxification, fighting intestinal infections and controlling pressure. See how easy it is to plant coriander at home to have the herb always fresh in the kitchen.

5. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant that helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent diseases such as flu, heart attack and cancer. It is also widely used to improve digestion and to stimulate intestinal cleansing, helping with weight loss. Learn how to use lemon to lose weight.

6. Pepper

Pepper acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, also helping to improve digestion, favor blood circulation and increase libido, being a natural aphrodisiac. In addition, it also speeds up metabolism, helping with weight loss.

Guacamole recipe

This recipe is the original base used to make guacamole, and you can add other ingredients, such as olive oil, chopped garlic and a pinch of salt.


  • 1 ripe avocado3 tablespoons of chopped red onion 1 small tomato, chopped4 tablespoons of lemon juice, chopped heart of black pepper or chilli to taste

Method of preparation:

Remove all the pulp from the avocado and, with a fork, hurt the fruit until it becomes pasty, but still with a few small pieces. Add Add the other ingredients and season to taste, adding salt, pepper, coriander and other herbs of your choice. Mix everything and serve.

How to consume

Guacamole can be consumed as an accompaniment to salads, meat, chicken, tapioca filling, sauce to accompany hamburgers or with potato chips, for example.

It should be stored in the refrigerator and ideally consumed within 24 hours.
