Home Home-Remedies Natural recipes against dry lips

Natural recipes against dry lips


An excellent homemade moisturizer for dry lips can be made at home using natural products, such as almond oil and honey.

However, in addition to this lip protector, it is important to drink plenty of water and avoid wetting your lips with saliva. To treat dry lips, a great solution is also to put a little Bepanthene ointment on the lips.

Recipe with malaleuca and lavender

Almond oil and beeswax create a protective barrier against wind and cold. Honey and vitamin E regenerate damaged skin and lavender scents and soothes irritated skin, being very useful to moisturize dry and chapped lips.


  • 4 tablespoons of almond oil1 spoon (soup) of shaved beeswax1 spoon (tea) of honey1 capsule of vitamin E (400UI) 10 drops of essence of malaleuca5 drops of essence of lavender

Method of preparation

Heat the almond oil and shaved beeswax in a water bath. When melted, remove from heat and add honey. When the mixture is at skin temperature, add the contents of the other ingredients. Place in a tightly closed jar and, when cool, apply to your lips several times a day.

Recipe with chamomile and orange blossom


  • 4 tablespoons of almond oil1 spoon (soup) of beeswax zest1 tablespoon of honey5 drops of essential oil of chamomile10 drops of essential oil of neroli or orange blossom

Method of preparation

Mix all the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture and then put the mixture in one or several small metal or glass containers, allowing to cool. To store, just leave it in a cool place or in the refrigerator for a maximum of 3 months

The ingredients can be found in health food stores.

Natural recipes against dry lips