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Protein identified that can replace physical activity


Researchers at the University of Michigan found that a protein, sestrine, had its production increased during the practice of physical activity, which may be the protein responsible for the benefits of exercise, such as improved cardiorespiratory capacity, increased physical resistance and burning of fat.

Sestrin is a metabolism-regulating protein that is produced in situations of metabolic stress, which is what happens in exercise. In addition, sestrine is responsible for coordinating various biological activities, since it participates in several metabolic pathways, and may be associated with the benefits of exercise.

How the study was done

The study carried out by researchers at the University of Michigan in the United States, was carried out with flies in order to verify the production of sestrin in these animals and the effect of this protein. For this, they divided these animals into three main groups: one that was programmed to overexpress sestrine, another that was programmed not to produce sestrine and a third one in which no changes were made.

Regarding the flies, the researchers trained these insects for about 3 weeks and compared the amount of sestrine obtained between the groups and between the type of related activity, such as flying and "running" on a treadmill created especially for the fly.

What were the results obtained

According to the results obtained in the experiments, it was possible to verify that the animals that did not exercise but that were altered to overexpress the sestrine, had in fact increased the concentration of this protein in the circulation and that the effects produced by the protein were the same as those obtained through physical activity, in which sestrine was produced naturally. In addition, they found that in the group that there was a change in order not to produce sestrine, even if a lot of exercise was performed, there was no improvement in resistance and flight capacity.

Due to the results, it was possible to confirm that sestrine plays an essential role in promoting benefits related to physical activity, such as improved physical conditioning, cardiorespiratory capacity and the ability to burn fat. However, it was also possible to verify that high amounts of sestrin in the circulation are also related to benefits even if exercises are not practiced. Because of this, the researchers indicated that sestrine could replace physical activity, since this protein is associated with muscle mass gain and cardiorespiratory improvement.

Despite this, they also warned that this substitution would be justified for people who have restrictions regarding the practice of physical activities, such as the elderly and people who use a wheelchair, since over time they lose strength and muscle mass. In addition, the existing studies were performed only with flies and rats and, therefore, the result in people may be different, since the metabolisms are different, and it is important to carry out further studies.

Benefits of physical activity

Despite the discovery of sestrine as an important protein to guarantee the benefits promoted by physical activity, even if the activity is not practiced, more studies are necessary, not least because the researchers stated that the idea of ​​using a sestrine supplement is still quite far away to be achieved, in addition to the fact that the mechanism that leads to the production of sestrine as a result of exercise is not yet known.

Therefore, to ensure the benefits of physical activity, the most recommended is that they are actually practiced, as it is possible:

  • Improve quality of life and increase self-esteem; Decrease stress and tiredness; Increase disposition; Strengthen the immune system; Improve muscle strength and endurance; Strengthen bones and joints; Avoid muscle weakness and trophy.

In addition, through physical activity it is possible to prevent various diseases, since it favors improvement of blood circulation, brain oxygenation and respiratory capacity. Discover other benefits of physical activity.

Protein identified that can replace physical activity