

Jasmine is a medicinal plant, also known as Yellow Jasmine, White Jasmine, Chinese Jasmine or Jasmine, widely used to reduce stress, due to its relaxing effect.

Its scientific name is Jasminum officinalis and can be purchased at health food stores, street markets and handling pharmacies. In addition, jasmine sachets can be found in some markets.

What is jasmine for

Jasmine is used to treat itchy skin, headache, depression, muscle contraction and irritation.

Jasmine properties

The properties of jasmine include its aphrodisiac, antiseptic, soothing, emollient, rejuvenating, relaxing and invigorating action.

How to use jasmine

The used parts of the jasmine are its flower and essential oil, which are used to make creams, oils and tea.

  • Jasmine tea: put a sachet in a liter of boiling water and let it stand for 10 minutes. Then remove the sachet and drink 3 cups a day.

Side effects of jasmine

No side effects of jasmine were found.

Contraindications for jasmine

There are no contraindications for the use of jasmine, but if you have any skin disease you should consult your doctor before using the essential oil of the plant.

In addition, Jasmine essential oil can also be used in relaxing massages due to its pleasant aroma and relaxing properties, learn how to do this type of massage by clicking here.
