Home Medicinal Plants Lúcia-lima: what it is for and how to use it

Lúcia-lima: what it is for and how to use it


Lúcia-lima, also known as limonete, bela-Luísa, herb-Luísa or doce-Lima, for example, is a medicinal plant that has tranquilizing and anti-spasmodic properties, and can be used to treat mainly gastrointestinal problems, for example.

The scientific name of lúcia-lima is Aloysia citriodora and can be purchased in some markets, health food stores or handling pharmacies.

What is lúcia-lima for?

The lemon-lime has anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic and tranquilizing properties and can be used to:

  • Assist in the treatment of intestinal problems; Improve digestion; Combat intestinal, renal and menstrual cramps; Assist in the treatment of urinary tract infection; Combat gases.

In addition, lemon verbena can be used to combat symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression, for example, especially when used with other medicinal plants, such as linden and peppermint.

Lemon-lime tea

The used parts of lemon-lime are its leaves and flowers to make teas, infusions and compresses, as well as to be used as a spice in cooking.

To make lemon-lime tea just add a tablespoon of dried leaves in a cup of boiling water and leave for about 10 minutes. Then strain and drink 2 to 3 times a day.

Side effects and contraindications

The lemon-lime must not be used in excess and without contraindication from the doctor or herbalist, as it can result in gastric irritation, for example. In addition, the essential oil, when applied to the skin as a compress, can cause irritation in some people, being recommended not to go in the sun to avoid burns.

Lúcia-lima: what it is for and how to use it