Home Bulls Lithium (carbolitium)

Lithium (carbolitium)


Lithium is an oral medicine, used to stabilize mood in patients with bipolar disorder, and is also used as an antidepressant.

Lithium can be sold under the trade name Carbolitium, Carbolitium CR or Carbolim and can be purchased in the form of 300 mg tablets or in 450 mg prolonged release tablets in pharmacies.

Lithium Price

The price of Lithium varies between 10 and 40 reais.

Lithium Indications

Lithium is indicated for the treatment of mania in patients with bipolar disorder, the maintenance of the treatment of patients with bipolar disorder, the prevention of mania or the depressive phase and the treatment of psychomotor hyperactivity.

In addition, Carbolitium can also be used, along with other antidepressant remedies, to help treat depression.

How to use Lithium

The method of use of lithium should be indicated by the doctor according to the purpose of the treatment.

However, it is recommended that the patient drink at least 1 liter to 1.5 liters of liquid per day and eat a normal salt diet.

Side Effects of Lithium

The main side effects of lithium include tremor, excessive thirst, enlarged thyroid, excessive urine, involuntary loss of urine, diarrhea, nausea, palpitations, weight gain, acne, hives and shortness of breath.

Contraindications for Lithium

Lithium is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the formula, in patients with kidney and cardiovascular diseases, dehydration and in patients taking diuretic drugs.

Lithium should not be used in pregnancy because it crosses the placenta and can cause malformations in the fetus. Therefore, its use during pregnancy should only be done under medical guidance. In addition, the use of lithium during breastfeeding is also not recommended.

Lithium (carbolitium)