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Why baby should not take soy milk


Soy milk should only be offered as food for the baby if the pediatrician recommends it, as it happens in cases where the baby cannot be breastfed, or when he develops an allergy to cow's milk or in some cases of lactose intolerance.

Soy milk in the form of infant formula is produced from soy protein and various nutrients that are essential for the baby's growth. On the other hand, conventional soy milk, also known as soy drink, is low in calcium and has less protein than cow's milk, being recommended only for children older than 2 years and only according to the pediatrician's guidance.

Disadvantages and Dangers of Soy Milk

Being in the growth and development phase, the consumption of soy milk by babies can lead to problems such as:

  • Lower calcium content than cow's milk, with calcium usually added artificially by the industry; Calcium is difficult to absorb from the intestine, as soy milk contains phytates, a substance that reduces calcium absorption; It does not contain important nutrients such as vitamins A, D and B12, one should look for formulas that have these vitamins added; Increased risk of developing allergy, as soy is an allergenic food, which can cause allergies especially in babies who are already allergic to cow's milk; It contains isoflavones, substances that act as the hormone estrogen in the body, which can lead to effects such as precocious puberty in girls and changes in the development of breast tissue.

These problems can arise mainly because milk is the basis of feeding babies until the 6th month of life, which makes them exclusively from soy milk and its limitations.

When to use soy milk

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, soy milk should only be used for babies in cases of congenital galactosemia, which is when the baby cannot digest any product from cow's milk, or when the child's parents are strictly vegan. and they are not willing to offer the child cow's milk.

In addition, soy milk can also be used for babies who are allergic to milk, but not soy, which can be identified through allergy tests. See how the test is done to detect allergies.

What other milk can be used for the baby

When the baby has lactose intolerance, it is an easier problem to control and lactose-free infant formulas, such as Aptamil ProExpert without lactose, Enfamil O-Lac Premium or soy-based milks, can be used, according to the pediatrician's guidance.

But in cases where the baby is allergic to cow's milk, it is usually avoided to use soy-based milk because soy can also cause allergies, so it is necessary to use milk based on free amino acids or extensively hydrolyzed proteins, as is the case of Pregomin pepti and Neocate.

For children older than 2 years and with allergy to cow's milk, the pediatrician may recommend the use of soy milk or other vegetable drinks, but it is important to remember that it does not bring the same benefits as cow's milk. Thus, the baby's diet must be varied and balanced, preferably guided by a nutritionist, so that he obtains all the nutrients necessary for his development. Learn How to choose the best milk for newborns.

Why baby should not take soy milk