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Level is an oral contraceptive that contains estrogens and progesterone in its composition, such as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol and serves to prevent pregnancy and to treat disorders in the menstrual cycle.

For the effectiveness of the medicine to be guaranteed, it is important to take 1 tablet a day, always at the same time.

Level Price

The medicine box contains 21 pills and can cost approximately between 12 to 34 reais.

Level indications

The level is indicated for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy, as it inhibits ovulation, control of irregularities in the menstrual period and in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome.

How to use Level

Each pack of Level contraceptives has 21 pills, which must be taken every day, one per day, always at the same time. After 21 days, a 7-day break should be taken, during which time menstruation will start.

A new pack should be resumed on the 8th day after taking the last pill, even if menstruation is still occurring, for the next 21 days.

If you have never taken the pill, its use should start on the first day of menstruation and contraceptive safety is only achieved after using the pills for 7 consecutive days.

What to do if you forget to take Level

  • Forgetting 1 tablet: you should take it as soon as the patient remembers, administering the next one at the same time as you were usually doing, ending up taking 2 tablets in a single day. Forgetting 2 pills in a row in the first or second week: you should take 2 pills of Level as soon as you remember, and 2 more pills the next day at the same time you usually take. Then, you should take 1 level tablet a day as you were doing. However, in this case, use a condom for 7 days in a row. Forgetting 3 pills in a row over the cycle or 2 pills in a row in the third week: treatment should be stopped and the pill restarted on the 8th day after having administered the last pill. During this period, you should use a condom for 14 consecutive days, taking Level followed.

Side Effects of Level

The Level pill can cause nausea, vomiting, bleeding between periods, tension and pain in the breasts, headache, nervousness, changes in libido, mood and weight, the appearance of depressive states, insomnia, varicose veins and swelling. In some cases, it can lead to vaginal discharge, decreased tolerance to the contact lens or redness in the body.

However, these effects tend to disappear after 3 months of using the pill.

Level contraindications

The Level contraceptive should not be used by pregnant or lactating women, thromboembolic processes, liver problems, abnormal bleeding, breast or endometrial carcinoma, pregnancy jaundice or prior to using the contraceptive.

In addition, this pill is contraindicated in taking barbiturates, carbamazepine, hydantoin, phenylbutazone, sulfonamides, chlorpromazine, penicillin, rifampicin, neomycin, ampicillin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, phenacetin, pyrazolone and St. John's wort.
