Home Medicinal Plants Marijuana: what are the effects, benefits and harms of the medicinal plant

Marijuana: what are the effects, benefits and harms of the medicinal plant


Marijuana, also known as marijuana, is obtained from a plant with the scientific name Cannabis sativa, which has several substances in its composition, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main chemical substance with hallucinogenic effects, which is what leads to the drug to be used in a recreational way.

In addition to THC, another cannabinoid present in marijuana is cannabidiol (CBD), which has no hallucinogenic effects, but according to several studies, it can provide several therapeutic benefits.

The consumption of marijuana is prohibited in Brazil, however, in some cases, cannabidiol, which is a substance extracted from the marijuana plant, can be used for therapeutic purposes, with specific authorization.

What are the benefits of marijuana

In recent years, studies have demonstrated several therapeutic properties of some of the substances present in marijuana, namely cannabidiol, having been adopted as a pharmacological option in some countries. Although not yet widely used, some of the components of marijuana have been proven to have several clinical uses, such as:

  • Pain treatment; Relief of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy; Appetite stimulant in patients with AIDS or cancer; Treatment of seizures in people with epilepsy; Treatment of muscle stiffness and neuropathic pain in people with multiple sclerosis; Analgesic in terminally ill patients with cancer; Treatment of obesity; Treatment of anxiety and depression; Decreased intraocular pressure, useful in cases of glaucoma; Anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory activity.

There is a drug with cannabidiol that is already marketed in Brazil, as the name Mevatyl, and that is indicated for the treatment of muscle spasms in people with multiple sclerosis. In addition, it is also possible to import other drugs with this substance, with proper authorization. It is also estimated that, from March 2020, more cannabis-based products will be marketed in pharmacies in Brazil, which may be purchased with the presentation of a prescription.

Learn more about cannabidiol products.

Marijuana Effects

The effects of marijuana vary from person to person, depending on the user's experience, the amount used and the environment in which it is consumed, in addition to the purity and potency of the drug. When smoked, marijuana can cause effects in a few minutes, such as mild euphoria, with distortions of time, space and the sense of organization of the body itself, disorganization of mental processes, memory disorders, lack of attention and, in some cases, the person may feel more valued and more able to socialize.

In addition, and simultaneously with the effects that lead the person to use the drug, dizziness, coordination and movement disorders, feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs, dryness in the mouth and throat, redness and irritation in the eyes, increase heart rate and increased appetite.

Caring for use

The consumption of marijuana presents many health risks, being banned in Brazil, however, many people continue to smoke this drug. In these cases, these people should pay special attention to the following:

  • Avoid mixing marijuana with alcohol or other drugs; Looking for quiet places and avoiding conflict situations; Avoid using the drug when it is necessary to study, work or make important decisions; Avoid driving when using marijuana, trying to walk or travel by public transport; If after or during consumption, the person feels depressed, sad or anxious, he should avoid consuming again, so as not to aggravate the situation;

In addition, if the person feels ill while using marijuana, they should seek help from the doctor as soon as possible.

Undesirable side effects

Some of the immediate and most common side effects associated with marijuana use are increased heart rate and blood pressure and changes in brain flow. In addition, people who use marijuana regularly for some time, may experience memory disorders and the ability to process complex information, disorders of the respiratory system, due to the constant presence of smoke in the lungs, increased risk of developing lung cancer.

It is also important to note that marijuana, if used frequently, becomes a risk factor for the development of severe depression, psychotic disorders and irreversible cognitive impairments, and causes tolerance and psychic dependence.

Marijuana is all the more harmful the sooner a person starts using it, the more chronic its consumption and if there was intrauterine exposure, even during pregnancy, to the substance. Learn more about the health effects of marijuana in the short and long term.

Marijuana: what are the effects, benefits and harms of the medicinal plant