Home Bulls Treatment for melasma in men

Treatment for melasma in men


Melasma consists of the appearance of dark spots on the skin, especially on the face, in places such as the forehead, cheekbones, lips or chin. Although it is more common in women, due to hormonal changes, this problem can also affect some men, mainly due to excessive sun exposure.

Although no specific type of treatment is necessary, as these spots do not cause any symptoms or health problems, it may be necessary to start the treatment to improve the aesthetics of the skin.

See that other causes, besides melasma, can cause dark spots on the skin.

How the treatment is done

Treatment should always be guided by a dermatologist, since it is necessary to adapt the treatment techniques to each type of skin and the intensity of the stain. However, the general guidelines include some precautions that must be followed in all cases, such as:

  • Avoid sunbathing for long periods; Apply sunscreen with a factor of 50 whenever you need to go out on the street; Wear a hat or cap to protect your face from the sun; Do not use aftershave creams or lotions that contain alcohol or substances that irritate the skin.

In some cases, these precautions are sufficient to reduce the intensity of the spots on the skin. However, when the stain remains, the doctor may recommend treatment with specific substances, such as hypopigmentation agents that include hydroquinone, kojic acid, mequinol or tretinoin, for example.

When the stains are permanent and do not disappear with any of the substances indicated above, the dermatologist may suggest making a chemical peel or laser treatment, which need to be done in the office.

Understand how chemical peels work to eliminate skin blemishes.

Why melasma arises

There is still no specific cause for the appearance of melasma in men, but the factors that seem to be related to an increased risk for this problem are excessive sun exposure and having a darker skin type.

In addition, there is also a relationship between the appearance of melasma and the decrease in the amounts of testosterone in the blood and an increase in luteinizing hormone. Thus, it is possible to do blood tests, requested by the dermatologist, to find out if there is a risk of developing melasma, especially if there are other cases in the family.

Treatment for melasma in men