Home Home-Remedies Best teas for nausea and vomiting

Best teas for nausea and vomiting


The feeling of nausea and malaise is quite common and almost everyone has felt it at some point in life. To relieve this discomfort, there are several plants that can be used.

Sickness can be caused by several reasons, such as the side effect of some medicine you are taking, the result of poor digestion, food unfit for consumption, due to migraine, stomach inflammation, nervous tension, pregnancy, among others. Check out what else can make you sick and what to do.

The natural remedies that can be indicated to fight nausea are:

1. Nausea from poor digestion

Sickness due to poor digestion usually arises after eating a very large meal or rich in fatty foods, such as sausages or fried foods. Thus, the best teas for these situations are those that stimulate digestion, such as mint or chamomile, for example.

In addition, fennel tea can also be a good option, especially when your stomach feels too full or when you have very frequent burping.


  • 1 teaspoon of chamomile, mint or fennel; 1 cup of tea (180 ml) of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the selected plant to the hot water, cover, let it stand for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and then take it, still warm, without sweetening.

2. Feeling sick from stress and nervousness

Another relatively common cause of nausea is excess stress and nervousness, and so it is very common for this discomfort to arise before important moments such as presentations or assessment tests.

So, to avoid this kind of nausea, it is best to bet on plants that reduce anxiety, nervousness and stress. Some good options are lavender, hops or passion flower.


  • 1 teaspoon of lavender, hops or passion flower; 1 cup of tea (180 ml) of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the medicinal plant to the hot water, cover, let stand for 3-5 minutes, strain and then take it, still warm, without sweetening.

3. Food poisoning sickness

Sickness is also one of the symptoms of food poisoning when eating poorly prepared, out of date or contaminated food. In these situations, vomiting and even diarrhea are almost certain, in addition to feeling sick.

Although it is not recommended to use any type of medicine or plant that prevents vomiting, since the body needs to release the microorganism that is causing the intoxication, plants can be used to reduce inflammation and calm the stomach, such as turmeric or chamomile.


  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric or chamomile; 1 teacup (180 ml) of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the medicinal plant to the hot water, cover, let stand for 5 to 10 minutes, strain and then take it, still warm, without sweetening.

However, if the symptoms of intoxication are very intense it is important to go to the hospital, as it may be necessary to start treatment with antibiotics, for example. Check the symptoms you should be aware of in case of food poisoning.

4. Feeling sick from headache

In case of nausea caused by headache or migraine, it may be recommended to take tannacet or white willow teas, as they contain analgesic properties, similar to aspirin, which relieve headache and, consequently, improve the feeling of nausea.


  • 1 teaspoon of tanacet or white willow, 1 cup of tea (180 ml) of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Add the medicinal plant to the hot water, cover, let stand for up to 10 minutes, strain and then take it, still warm, without sweetening.

Best teas for nausea and vomiting