Home Medicinal Plants 10 Health Benefits of Blueberry and How to Consume

10 Health Benefits of Blueberry and How to Consume


Blueberry is a fruit very rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, whose properties help to improve cardiovascular health, protect the liver and delay the deterioration of memory and cognition.

This fruit is still very rich in other nutrients and has few calories and can be included in diets for weight loss. Its scientific name is Vaccinium myrtillus and can be consumed in several different ways, either in its natural form, in the form of juice or as powdered nutritional supplements.

The main health benefits of consuming blueberries are:

  1. It has antioxidant action, mainly because it contains vitamin C and anthocyanins that protect the body from damage caused by free radicals; It helps to lower blood sugar levels, control insulin levels and improve insulin sensitivity, therefore it is indicated for people suffering from pre-diabetes or diabetes; Regulates blood pressure in people who are at cardiovascular risk; Decreases cognitive impairment and helps maintain memory. This benefit can be seen both in people with dementia and in healthy people; Helps lower bad cholesterol, LDL; Protects the heart and helps prevent the appearance of atherosclerosis; Helps protect the liver by decreasing the accumulation of fat in the organ; Helps maintain well-being and good mood; It can protect against influenza, as it has antiviral properties and is rich in vitamin C; It helps to fight urinary infections, because it has substances similar to cranberry, which prevent the development of E. coli in the urinary tract.

In addition, the consumption of blueberry also seems to reduce muscle fatigue after doing some type of physical activity, since it decreases the damage in the cells of the muscle fibers, and can therefore be used in post-training, in the preparation of shakes or vitamins, for example. example.

Blueberry nutritional information

This table shows the nutritional components of 100 grams of blueberries:

Nutritional components in 100 grams
Energy 57 kcal
Proteins 0.74 g
Fat 0.33 g
Carbohydrates 14.49 g
Fiber 2.4 g
Water 84.2 g
Calcium 6 mg
Iron 0.28 mg
Magnesium 6 mg
Phosphor 12 mg
Potassium 77 mg
Vitamin C 9.7 mg
Vitamin A 3 mcg
Vitamin K 19.2 mg
Anthocyanins 20.1 to 402.8 mg

How and how much to consume

The blueberry is a very versatile fruit that can be consumed whole in its natural form, in juice, nutritional supplements, sweets and even in the form of teas, including the use of its leaves.

Supplements with blueberries can be purchased at health food stores, online or at some pharmacies, and you must follow the packaging usage method. The consumption of natural fruit is recommended for 60 to 120 g.

Other ways to consume this form include:

1. Blueberry tea


  • 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried blueberries; 200 mL of boiling water.

Method of preparation

Put the blueberries in a cup and add the boiling water. Let stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink.

2. Blueberry juice


  • 1 cup of blueberries; 1 cup of water; 3 to 5 mint leaves; ½ lemon.

Method of preparation

Squeeze the lemon and then add the remaining ingredients in a blender. Grind well and then drink.

10 Health Benefits of Blueberry and How to Consume