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Common questions about contact lenses


Contact lenses are an alternative to prescription glasses, but as their use leads to many doubts, since it involves placing something directly in contact with the eye.

Contact lenses have advantages when compared with prescription glasses because they do not break, weigh, or slip on the face, being especially appreciated by those who do not like to wear prescription glasses or practice any sport. However, if not used correctly, the use of lenses increases the risk of sty, red eyes or dry eyes and more serious problems such as corneal ulcers, for example.

So, to clarify some of the most common doubts, see some myths and truths related to the use of contact lenses:

1. Is wearing contact lenses bad and causes eye infections?

Wearing contact lenses is not harmful to the eyes, as long as they are used responsibly, respecting the maximum wearing time of 8 hours a day and the necessary hygiene care. Only incorrect use and failure to comply with the necessary hygiene care increases the risk of eye infections, caused by the use of lenses. See what care should be taken and how to clean the lenses in Learn All About Contact Lenses.

2. The lens may be lost or stuck in the eye

The fear of losing the contact lens in the eye itself is a common fear, but this is physically impossible, as there is a membrane that prevents this from happening. Rarely, what can happen is that the lens bends and gets stuck inside the eyelid (at the top of the eye), which can be easily removed at home.

3. Is wearing lenses uncomfortable?

In most cases and if the eye is healthy, contact lenses are not uncomfortable. The choice of lenses to be used is one of the factors that most contributes to comfort during use, as each type of eye can adapt differently to the different types of existing materials. Generally, the choice of the lens should be assisted by an ophthalmologist or specialized technician.

The discomfort arises only when there are signs of tiredness, itching, redness, watering or feeling of discomfort in the eye and in these cases the most recommended is to stop using the lenses for 1 or 2 days or consult the ophthalmologist if necessary.

4. Does going to the beach damage the lens?

The beach may end up damaging the lenses more quickly, which is due to the effect that sea water salt can have on the lenses, making them dry more easily. This can happen even if you always close your eyes when diving, and the same happens in swimming pools, due to the chlorine and disinfectants that are added in this type of water.

However, whenever necessary, the lenses can be used on the beach or in the pool, as long as you are careful to always close your eyes when diving.

5. Can a child wear a contact lens?

Children and teenagers alike can wear contact lenses, as long as they are mature and responsible enough to care for the lenses and perform the necessary hygiene. This can often be a good option, as it can help raise the child's self-esteem, who is no longer forced to wear glasses at school, for example.

In addition, contact lenses do not worsen the sight of neither children nor adults, as it is proven that they are not responsible for aggravating myopia.

6. Can I sleep with my lenses on?

Only lenses for day and night periods can be used for sleeping, as they are suitable for this purpose.

The most common types of lenses are only suitable for use during the day, it is recommended to remove them at night or after 8 hours of use.

7. There are colored lenses

There are different colors like green, blue, brown, caramel, black or red, which can be used on a daily basis to change the color of the eyes. The vast majority of colored lenses have no grade, that is, they are sold as having grade 0, however some brands like Bausch & Lomb sell this type of prescription lenses.

8. Can I clean the lenses with saline?

The lenses should never be cleaned with saline, water or other inappropriate solutions, as they will end up damaging the lens, preventing the necessary hydration, cleaning and disinfection. Therefore, for cleaning, only disinfectant solutions suitable for contact lenses should be used. See step by step to put and remove contact lenses in Care to put and remove Contact Lenses.

9. If I buy lenses, I don't need to buy glasses.

Even when buying contact lenses, it is recommended to always have 1 pair of glasses with the updated graduation, which should be used during the rest hours of the lenses.

In addition, it is also important to wear glasses on days when the eyes are more sensitive, red or dry, for example, as in these cases the lenses can make the situation worse.

10. Are there any glass contact lenses?

Currently contact lenses are no longer made of glass, but are made from rigid or semi-rigid materials, which adapt better to the eye, providing greater comfort and stability.

Common questions about contact lenses