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Agoraphobia: what it means, symptoms and treatment


Agoraphobia corresponds to the fear of being in unfamiliar environments or that one has the feeling of not being able to get out, such as crowded environments, public transport and cinema, for example. Even the idea of ​​being in one of these environments can make the person anxious and have symptoms similar to panic syndrome, such as dizziness, increased heart rate and shortness of breath. Learn how to identify panic disorder.

This psychological disorder can be quite limiting and have a negative impact on the person's quality of life, as he is unable to attend other places or relax when he is in crowded environments, for example, interaction with other people can be impaired, which can lead to isolation of the person.

The treatment of agoraphobia is done through therapy sessions with a psychologist or psychiatrist and aims to help the person to face fear and anxiety, making them safer and more confident.

Main symptoms

Symptoms of agoraphobia arise when the person is in unfamiliar environments or that causes anguish or fear of not being able to go out alone, such as shopping, cinema, public transport and full restaurants, for example. The main symptoms of agoraphobia are:

  • Shortness of breath; Increased heart rate; Dizziness; Excessive sweating; Nausea.

People with agoraphobia tend to have low self-esteem, insecurity, feel anxious anywhere other than their own home, are afraid of very large places and feel quite anxious and distressed about the possibility of being exposed again to certain situation that stimulates your phobia. Know other common types of phobia.

According to the degree of symptoms, agoraphobia can be classified into three types:

  • Mild agoraphobia, in which the person can drive long distances, can go to the cinema, despite sitting in the corridor, and avoids very crowded places, but still go to shopping malls, for example; Moderate agoraphobia, in which the person can only go to places closer to home accompanied by another person and avoids using public transport; Severe agoraphobia, which is the most limiting type of agoraphobia, since in that degree the person cannot leave the house and feels anxious just because of going somewhere.

Depending on the symptoms, agoraphobia can be quite limiting and have negative impacts on the person's quality of life. Therefore, when noticing characteristic symptoms of agoraphobia, it is important to go to the psychologist or psychiatrist so that treatment can begin.

How the treatment is done

Agoraphobia is treated by a psychologist or psychiatrist based on the person's symptoms.

The professional assesses what leads the person to manifest the symptoms, if they are frequent and the impact that these symptoms have on the person's life. Thus, it helps the person to face the situations that cause him anxiety, in order to make the person feel more secure and confident. It can also be recommended for relaxing activity practices, such as yoga or meditation, for example.

Depending on the degree of the symptoms, the psychiatrist can indicate the use of medications to control the symptoms and the person feel more relaxed in the face of certain situations.

Agoraphobia: what it means, symptoms and treatment