Home Bulls Dog bite: what to do and how to care

Dog bite: what to do and how to care


First aid in case of a dog or cat bite is important to prevent the development of infections in the area, as the mouth of these animals usually contains a high number of bacteria and other micro-organisms that can cause infections and even serious diseases, such as rabies, which affects the nervous system. See what signs of this disease can appear after a bite.

So if you are bitten by a dog or cat you should:

  1. Stop the bleeding, using a clean compress or cloth and applying light pressure on the area for a few minutes; Immediately wash the bite site with soap and water, even if the wound is not bleeding, as it removes bacteria and viruses that can cause serious diseases; Go to the hospital taking the vaccination bulletin, as it may be necessary to repeat the tetanus vaccine.

Watch these steps in the following video:

In addition, if the animal is domestic it is important that it is evaluated by a veterinarian to see if it is infected with rabies. If this is the case, the person who suffered the bite should inform the general practitioner to get the vaccine against this disease or to be treated with antibiotics, if necessary.

Here's what to do if you are bitten by a venomous animal, such as a spider, scorpion or snake.

What to do if you are bitten by someone else

In the case of biting by another person, it is recommended to follow the same indications, as the human mouth is also a place where different types of bacteria and viruses can be found, which can cause serious infections.

So, after washing the place with soap and water, it is also important to go to the emergency room to do blood tests and assess whether there is an infection, starting the appropriate treatment, which can be done with antibiotics or vaccines, for example.

Dog bite: what to do and how to care