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Scorpion sting: symptoms and what to do


The scorpion bite, in most cases, causes few symptoms, such as redness, swelling and pain at the location of the bite, however, some cases can be more severe, causing generalized symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, headache, muscle spasms and pressure drop, with a risk of death.

In the case of a scorpion bite, first aid is:

  1. Wash the bite with soap and water; Keep the bite facing up; Do not cut, puncture or pinch the bite; Drink plenty of water; Go to an emergency room as soon as possible or call SAMU 192.

The most dangerous types of scorpion are the yellow, brown, yellow scorpion from the northeast and black scorpion from the Amazon, but the severity of the condition also depends on the amount of poison that was injected and the immunity of each person.

Main symptoms of the bite

The symptoms of scorpion bite are pain and inflammation at the site of the bite, with redness, swelling and local heat that lasts from a few hours to 2 days, but in cases more severe symptoms may occur, such as:

  • Sickness and vomiting; Dizziness; Headache; Muscle twitching and spasms; Sweat; Paleness; Drowsiness or agitationLow pressure or high pressure; Fast or weak heartbeat; Shortness of breath.

In very rare cases, the scorpion bite can even cause arrhythmias and cardiac arrest, which can lead to death, if the person is not quickly seen and treated.

How the treatment is done

To relieve pain and inflammation at the site of the bite, it is recommended to apply compresses with warm water, and the use of analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs, such as dipyrone or ibuprofen, for example, prescribed by the doctor.

In patients with more severe symptoms, it is necessary to use antiscorpionic serum, which will be prescribed by the emergency room physician, to cut the effect of the poison on the body. In these cases, hydration is also done with saline in the vein and observation for a few hours, until the symptoms have disappeared.

How to identify the type of scorpion

The best way to find out if the type of scorpion is very poisonous is, if possible, to capture and take the animal to be identified, in the emergency room. There are about 30 species of scorpion in Brazil, the most dangerous of which are:

Yellow Scorpion - shows a light yellow color, with darker spots on the back and tail, and measures up to 7 cm in length. It is the most dangerous scorpion, and its bite causes pain and numbness, which can lead to nausea, vomiting, sweat and arrhythmias, especially in children and the elderly.

Scorpion Brown - has dark brown or reddish-brown color, with yellow and spotted paws, and measures about 7 cm. It is widely found in humid regions, and its bite causes a lot of pain, numbness, nausea and malaise.

Northeast Scorpion - has a yellowish color, with a darker line in the center, and a small darker triangle on its head. It usually causes mild conditions, with pain and numbness at the location of the bite.

Black scorpion from the Amazon - it has a dark color, almost black, and measures about 8.5 cm. Its sting causes severe pain and local inflammation, with a stinging and burning sensation, in addition to causing severe symptoms, such as arrhythmias, dizziness, shortness of breath and drowsiness.

How to avoid scorpion bites

To prevent scorpion bites, it is recommended to take some precautions at home, such as:

  • Keep the house clean, removing accumulations of dirt behind furniture, curtains and rugs; Clean the yard or garden, to avoid the accumulation of debris and garbage in these places; Avoid walking barefoot or putting your hands in holes or cracks; Keep animals like chicken, owl, geese or frogs in the yard, as they are predators of scorpions; inspect clothes and shoes before using them.

Cleaning is important, because dirty places, infested with cockroaches and rats, for example, more easily attract venomous animals such as scorpions, spiders and snakes. Know what to do, too, in situations of spider bite and snake bite.

Check out these and other tips in the following video:

How to catch or kill scorpions

The scorpion is a very difficult animal to eliminate, since it is quite resistant to poisons. This is because it is an animal that can close its pulmonary stigmas, not inhaling the poison. In addition, it is able to stand still for long periods of time, not coming into contact with the poison.

Thus, it is best to call the authorities as soon as a scorpion is identified, to be captured and taken to specific locations. If you need to capture the scorpion at home, you should:

  • Wear long-sleeved pants and shirts; Put on thick rubber boots; Put on thick protective gloves, such as electricity ones; Wear a hat; Catch the scorpion with tweezers of at least 20 cm; Hold the scorpion by the tail and place it inside a plastic container; close the container with a lid, preferably screwed, and with small holes.

However, it is always worth remembering that the scorpion should, whenever possible, be captured by a trained professional, so that accidents do not happen.

The captured scorpions must be handed over to the authorities preferably alive, not only to prevent the occurrence of a sting, but also so that they can be used to create antidotes.

Scorpion sting: symptoms and what to do