Home Bulls How to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids

How to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids


To stop hemorrhoids and prevent them from recurring, you should increase your fiber intake, as they improve intestinal transit and facilitate bowel movement, in addition to reducing the consumption of foods rich in sugar and fat. It is also important to use pillows suitable for hemorrhoids and, when necessary, medicines such as Proctosan, which reduce pain and inflammation.

In addition, to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids again, it is recommended to evacuate whenever you feel like it, avoid straining to evacuate, do not take too much weight and do not sit for a long time on the toilet, as the muscles of the anal area can become more flaccid.

How to avoid

The main way to prevent new hemorrhoid attacks is through food, since it is important that the stools are soft so that they can be eliminated more easily, preventing the increase in pressure in the blood vessels around the anus and consequent dilation and inflammation. the veins of the place.

Thus, the main ways to prevent hemorrhoids from occurring are:

1. Eat fiber-rich foods

Including foods rich in fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, flaxseed, bread with cereals and wheat germ, for example, helps regulate bowel function and prevents dry stools. Thus, these foods, in addition to making the stool softer, prevent them from accumulating in the intestine, that is, they stimulate their elimination, preventing constipation.

Thus, to avoid hemorrhoids, it is important to consume fiber every day to reduce discomfort when evacuating and to prevent pressure on the vessels around the anus. Check out a complete list of high fiber foods.

2. Increase water consumption during the day

Drinking at least 2 liters of water per day is essential for the proper functioning of the body, because, among other functions, water is important to regulate body temperature, decrease swelling, improve blood circulation and facilitate digestion. In addition, water allows stools to be softer, making it easier to eliminate and reducing pain and strength during bowel movement.

It is possible to reach the daily "goal" of water also by consuming foods rich in water and that allow hydration, such as watermelon, pineapple, radish and tomatoes, for example. Discover more water-rich foods that can be included in your daily life by watching the following video:

3. Avoid eating sweets

Sweets and foods that are sources of carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes or pasta make the stools harder, which makes hemorrhoids worse, since the person needs to make more force to evacuate, creating a lot of pressure on the blood vessels present in the anal region..

Thus, by avoiding sweets and carbohydrates, it is possible to prevent dry stools and improve bowel function, preventing the appearance of hemorrhoids.

4. Practice physical activity

The regular practice of physical activities, in addition to improving physical conditioning, muscular endurance, immune system, strengthening bones and reducing the risk of heart disease, also improves the functioning of the intestine, preventing the feces from being in the intestine for a long time and becoming dry.. Discover other benefits of physical activity.

Thus, the practice of physical activity regularly associated with a balanced diet rich in fiber and water helps to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids.

5. Use home remedies

Home remedies are great options to relieve the symptoms of internal and external hemorrhoids, however they can also be used daily as a means of prevention. This is because some home remedies for hemorrhoids work by improving vascularity and local blood circulation, preventing the appearance of hemorrhoids. However, in order to have the desired effect, they must be used together with a diet rich in fiber and consumption of adequate amounts of fluids during the day. See more about home remedies for hemorrhoids.

See also how to prepare 3 great recipes that help fight hemorrhoids, bringing immediate relief of symptoms in the following video:

How to prevent the appearance of hemorrhoids