Home Bulls Disulfiram



Disulfiram is a medication that helps to stop drinking, as it causes the appearance of unpleasant side effects when taken together with alcohol. Thus, Disulfiram helps in the treatment against alcoholism.

Disulfiram is sold under the trade name Antiethanol by the Sanofi-Aventis laboratory, in the form of tablets.

Indications of Disulfiram

Dissulfiram is indicated to help in the treatment of chronic alcoholism, as it prevents the ingestion of alcoholic beverages due to previous knowledge of the unpleasant reactions that it can cause when ingested with alcoholic beverages.

Where to buy Dissulfiram

Disulfiram can be purchased at pharmacies, and requires a prescription.

Disulfiram Price

The price of Dissulfiram varies between 5 and 7 reais, and is sold in packs of 20 tablets.

How to take Disulfiram

You should take Disulfiram as your doctor has told you, and it is recommended to take 2 tablets a day, in a single dose, for 2 weeks.

After the first 2 weeks of treatment, the dose can be reduced to 1 tablet per day, according to the doctor's advice.

Side effects of Disulfiram

The side effects of Disulfiram can be hives on the skin, drowsiness, feeling tired, headache, loss of libido, depression and memory loss.

Contraindication to Disulfiram

Disulfiram is contraindicated for patients with heart or liver disease or problems, psychosis, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, thyrotoxicosis, acute and chronic nephritis or cirrhosis.

In addition, Dissulfiram is also contraindicated for patients who may have drunk alcohol, preparations containing alcohol, paraldehyde or metronidazole in the last 24 hours, or who are allergic to any of the components of the formula.
