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Lack of libido: how to increase desire


Libido is the name given to sexual desire, which is part of the human being's instinct, but which can be influenced by physical or emotional issues, and therefore may be increased or decreased in some people, at certain stages of life.

The hormones that control libido are testosterone in men and estrogen in women, and so at certain times of the month it is normal for women to have more or less sexual interest. Normally women have a higher libido during their fertile period.

Several factors can cause a lack of libido, such as stress, anxiety, relationship problems and use of medications, it is important to identify the cause so that actions can be taken that aim to increase sexual desire.

How to increase libido

To increase libido it is important to identify the cause of the lack of libido, so that actions can be taken. In case the lack of libido is due to the use of medications, it is recommended to replace the medication used with one that does not have this side effect, but always with the guidance of the doctor.

Some tips that can be useful to increase libido are improving your diet by consuming more foods that improve blood circulation such as tuna and chia seeds, so that blood passes more easily into the blood vessels, facilitating excitation. Check out some spices that increase libido and improve intimate contact.

When a person has experienced an emotional trauma that has affected their libido, the best solution is to seek treatment with a psychoanalyst, so that the emotional causes are resolved and sexual desire can arise. Fighting anxiety and stress also help to increase libido, as well as improve self-esteem and exercise. Find out which exercises increase libido.

Also watch the following video and see more tips to improve libido:

What can cause a lack of libido

The lack of libido can be caused due to the decrease in hormones that control sexual desire and other factors, such as:

  • Use of the contraceptive pill; Emotional trauma; Diseases such as anemia, cirrhosis and hypothyroidism; Stress, anxiety or depression; Sexual impotence; Menopause; Pain during sexual intercourse; Lack of testosterone in men; Relationship problems; Use of medications such as anxiolytics and antidepressants. Check out other remedies that can decrease libido.

In women, the lack of libido can also be caused by the difficulty in reaching orgasm or getting aroused, which makes intimate contact difficult due to the lack of lubrication of the vagina, which causes pain during sexual intercourse. Know what to do when a woman can't get aroused.

Lack of libido: how to increase desire