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What to do to combat constipation


In a case of constipation, it is recommended to take a brisk walk, of at least 30 minutes and drink at least 600 mL of water while walking. The water, upon reaching the intestine, will soften the stool and the effort made during the walk will stimulate intestinal emptying.

In addition, it is recommended to make a change in the diet, removing low fiber foods such as white bread, biscuits, sweets and soft drinks, giving preference to natural foods such as unpeeled or bagasse fruits, cooked vegetables and leafy vegetables.

Food to cure constipation

Food has a great influence on the functioning of intestinal transit, so people who are constipated should eat foods that help to loosen the intestine, as is the case with fibers, and avoid foods that trap it, as is the case with carbohydrates, for example.

What to eat

Some foods that help to loosen the intestine, and therefore should be consumed daily, are broccoli, cauliflower, papaya, pumpkin, plum and kiwi.

A good tip for those who constantly suffer from stuck intestines is to add 1 tablespoon of flaxseed, sesame or pumpkin seed to meals. Also know some juices that help to loosen the intestine.

Foods to avoid

If constipation is constant, you should avoid eating foods rich in carbohydrates, such as rice, potatoes, pasta, white bread and processed foods, as they are low in fiber and tend to accumulate in the intestine, even causing the accumulation of gases and swollen belly.

Watch the video and see more tips to release the trapped intestine:

Massage to relieve constipation

Another way to relieve constipation is to have an abdominal massage, which should be performed in the region just below the navel, in the direction from right to left, making a pressure movement as if the person is pushing the stool to the side. left.

During the massage, when you get close to the hip bone on the left side, you should perform the massage, from this point, downwards towards the groin. This massage can be done by the person himself, sitting or lying in bed.

Constipation Remedy

Taking a medicine for constipation is always risky and should only be done as a last resort, when all the alternatives have been exhausted, without success, since some laxatives can remove a lot of water from the body and impair the absorption of nutrients.

Some examples of remedies for constipation are Lacto-purga, 46 Almeida Prado, Bisalax, Guttalax, Biolax, Dulcolax or Laxol, for example.

It is not extremely necessary to go to the bathroom every day, but less than 3 times a week can already be a sign of constipation. So it is important to know what to do, as over time this problem can get worse.

What to do to combat constipation