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What to do to not get a virus


Virosis is the name given to any disease that is caused by a virus, which cannot always be identified. It is usually benign and does not require treatment with antibiotics, as they are not effective in eliminating viruses, and can be treated only with rest, hydration and measures to control fever, pain, vomiting and diarrhea, if these symptoms are present.

The most common types of viruses are caused by Rotaviruses and Adenoviruses that cause gastroenteritis, which can affect adults, babies and children. Normally babies and children are most affected because they stay in daycare centers and schools, where other people may be infected.

Here we indicate everything you can do to avoid catching a virus if someone close to you is infected:

1. Wash your hands

It is recommended to wash your hands before eating, before and after going to the bathroom, and whenever you sneeze or cough, because the risk of having viruses on your hands is less. Hands are the main way to have contact and facilitate entry into the body of the virus that is spread through the air and / or on surfaces such as a table, chair, pen, or telephone.

2. Staying away from the patient

A person with a virus can infect everyone around him, especially when he has episodes of coughing, vomiting or diarrhea, because the virus is usually in these body fluids, which despite being invisible to the naked eye, can contaminate various surfaces and even if spread through the air in the case of respiratory diseases.

The best way to protect yourself is to stay at a distance of approximately 1 meter from the patient, but if you are taking care of a baby with a virus, the best way to protect yourself is to always wash your hands before and after changing the dirty diaper, and don't put the same spoon and cup that the baby is using in your mouth.

3. Do not share towels, cutlery and glasses

Another very useful way of not getting contaminated is to always use the same towel, which cannot be used by the patient. Cutlery, glasses and plates should also be used for personal use, and should preferably be washed with hot water and soap to eliminate any viruses that may be in these objects.

4. Get the necessary vaccines

Vaccination is a good way to avoid contamination with the mumps virus, rubella and viral triple, for example. Most of them are mandatory, being provided by SUS (Unified Health System), however there are other vaccines against certain types of viruses that are only given by the doctor in particular, such as chicken pox and rotavirus, for example.

The Rotarix vaccine against rotavirus does not protect the person vaccinated 100% against the vomiting and diarrhea crisis caused by the rotavirus, however, it mitigates the symptoms, if the person is infected, in order to present milder and more bearable symptoms, while gastroenteritis last.

How to know if I have a virus

The symptoms of the virus may be manifested a few hours or days after the person comes into contact with the virus, the first symptoms being headache, malaise and nausea, which can progress to cough, fever, diarrhea and vomiting depending on the virus and of the person's immune system.

Virosis symptoms are usually more severe in children, the elderly and people with chronic diseases, as they have a less developed or less efficient immune system. However, in the case of a healthy person, the immune system itself fights the virus, and the symptoms may disappear in 2 to 4 days, however it is important that the person remains at rest, has correct food and drinks plenty of fluids.

Here's how to identify the symptoms of a virus.

How to cure a virus faster

Virosis treatment is done with rest, good hydration, it may be useful to take homemade serum, light food, and it may be necessary to take some analgesic and antipyretic medicine such as Paracetamol.

Medicines to stop diarrhea should only be taken 3 days after the onset of diarrhea, so that the body can eliminate the largest amount of virus in the stool. Before that, you can take pre- or probiotics to regulate the bowel and be cured faster of diarrhea. Learn more about how to fight the virus.

What to do to not get a virus