Home Symptoms 7 Treatments That Can Cure Tinnitus In The Ear

7 Treatments That Can Cure Tinnitus In The Ear


The treatment for ringing in the ear depends on the cause of the symptom and may include simple measures like removing a plug of wax that may be clogging the ear or using antibiotics to treat the infection that is causing this discomfort.

Scientifically, ringing in the ear is called tinnitus, and it may be necessary to carry out a set of therapies that involve everything from sound therapies, use of anxiolytic or antidepressant drugs, in addition to treating causes that may be triggering this symptom, such as hormonal changes, pressure discharge, diabetes or use of certain medications, for example. In addition, alternative therapies such as acupuncture or relaxation techniques can be very useful in some cases.

Despite the various causes, in most cases, tinnitus is caused by hearing loss, caused either by exposure to very loud sounds or even by aging itself, so it is more common in the elderly. Learn more causes at: Tinnitus in the ear.

Thus, some of the most used treatments to treat tinnitus are:

1. Remedies

There is no single remedy responsible for curing ringing in the ear, however, some can be used as forms of treatment or, at least, to relieve symptoms. Some options include:

  • Anxiolytics or antidepressants, such as Lorazepam or Sertraline, for example, as a way to relieve anxious and depressive symptoms, and may also improve the quality of sleep, which trigger or worsen tinnitus; Vasodilators, which work by dilating the vessels in the ear, such as Betahistine or Cinnarizine, for example, can be useful in some situations, such as vertigo or spasm of cerebral blood vessels; Antihistamines, which have an effect on tinnitus due to their vasodilator and anticholinergic action.

These medicines should be indicated by the doctor and, preferably, they should be used for a limited period of time, until the symptoms are relieved.

In addition, it is necessary to be treated with medication if the person has a disease known to cause tinnitus, which can be diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure or hyperthyroidism, for example, according to the doctor's recommendations.

On the other hand, it is known that the use of some remedies can trigger tinnitus, and if they are being used by a person with this symptom, you should talk to the doctor to have them removed or replaced. Some examples are AAS, anti-inflammatory, chemotherapy, some antibiotics and diuretics.

2. Hearing aid

As often the person who complains of ringing in the ear also has considerable hearing loss, the use of hearing aids will help you to better identify external sounds, thus minimizing the attention given to ringing in the ear, which is a internal sound. Better understand how the hearing aid works and the main types.

3. Sound therapy

It is characterized by the use of sounds in the environment to decrease the perception of tinnitus, and includes putting white noises, music or sounds of nature for example, always with the aim of avoiding silence and reducing attention to tinnitus.

Currently, there are specific devices of different sizes and prices that can emit noise, and can be useful in many cases indicated with the guidance of an ENT and speech therapist.

4. Behavioral therapy

Behavioral therapy, or tinnitus retraining therapy, consists of relaxation techniques, reordering thoughts and getting used to psychosocial situations so that people feel more comfortable with tinnitus. In this way, training of sounds and techniques are performed that help to ignore tinnitus, and this therapy can be performed individually or in groups.

Behavioral therapy helps the person to set new goals for when tinnitus occurs and it is difficult to ignore it.

5. Changes in diet

It is common to have the habit of consuming foods that can trigger or worsen tinnitus, and in order to have an effective therapy, it is necessary to avoid the consumption of sugary foods, caffeine, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, such as aspartate, as it is recommended to abandon the cigarette. In addition, it is recommended to avoid the consumption of salt, saturated and trans fats, as well as milk and derivatives and fried foods.

6. Dental treatments

The dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the causes of tinnitus, so it is recommended that for people with this type of alteration, dental treatment should be carried out, which may consist of placing a rigid plate that covers the teeth to sleep and physical therapy with postural reprogramming exercises, for example. Learn more about what temporomandibular dysfunction is and how to treat it.

7. Alternative therapies

Some of the therapies that can contribute to the treatment of tinnitus include:

  • Acupuncture: acupuncturists argue that, in order to treat ringing in the ear, it is essential to assess the individual's neck and cervical spine, as the problem is often not in the ear itself, but in poor blood circulation throughout this region; Relaxation techniques: can be useful to improve sleep patterns, decrease anxiety and decrease tension in the muscles of the head and neck; Music therapy: scholars say that the development of musical treatments compatible with the musical taste of each person can help reduce the sensation of tinnitus, being able to relieve the perception of uncomfortable sound. Learn more about what music therapy is and its benefits.

In addition, therapies known to relieve stress, such as yoga and meditation for example, may have their importance, since stress and anxiety are important triggers for tinnitus.

8. Transcranial magnetic stimulation

This technique helps to eliminate tinnitus due to the stimulation of the auditory area responsible for this symptom, which is overactive.

7 Treatments That Can Cure Tinnitus In The Ear