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What to do when the pressure is low (hypotension)


Low blood pressure is generally not an issue, especially when the person has always had low blood pressure. However, if the pressure drops too quickly it can cause symptoms such as weakness, tiredness and dizziness or even fainting.

Thus, in a person who has normal or high blood pressure, but who has suffered a low blood pressure crisis, it should be:

  1. Lay the person down, preferably in a cool and airy place; Loosen clothes, especially around the neck; Raise your legs above your heart level.

This position allows blood to flow towards the heart and brain more easily, increasing pressure. The person should remain in this position for a few minutes until the symptoms of low blood pressure subside.

When the person is recovered, a good option is to offer natural orange juice or a coffee, as it helps to regulate blood pressure. The use of salt to raise the pressure, placing it under the tongue, is not recommended because it does not immediately increase the pressure. See other options of what you can do to reverse low blood pressure.

When low blood pressure is severe

In completely healthy people who have always had a blood pressure lower than normal, the low blood pressure value is not a warning sign, however, if it appears suddenly in people who have normally high blood pressure it can be a side effect of the medicine for the high blood pressure or being the result of a health problem such as dehydration, an allergic reaction, blood loss or heart problems, for example.

Find out more about the main causes of low blood pressure and what to do.

Some symptoms that may indicate that low blood pressure is severe include confusion, very pale skin, rapid breathing, or very high heart rate.

How to prevent low blood pressure attacks

To avoid low blood pressure crises, care must be taken, such as:

  • Take medication for high blood pressure correctly, according to the doctor's instructions and never in doses higher than indicated; Avoid very hot and closed places, being advised to wear light and easy to take off clothes; Drink 1 to 2 liters of water per day, unless the doctor has given other guidance regarding the amount; Eat light bulky meals every 2 or 3 hours and don't leave the house without having breakfast; Avoid doing exercise on an empty stomach, drinking at least a glass of juice before training; Practice regular physical activity to strengthen the muscles of the arms and legs, as it helps blood to reach the heart and brain more easily.

Normally, low blood pressure is benign and does not have serious consequences, but the person is at risk of fainting and, with the fall, fracturing a bone or hitting the head, for example, which can be potentially serious. Therefore, if you notice any frequency of pressure drops or other symptoms such as recurrent heart palpitations, a medical consultation is advised.

What to do when the pressure is low (hypotension)