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What high or low progesterone means and how to treat


Progesterone is a hormone, produced by the ovaries, that has a very important role in the pregnancy process, being responsible for regulating the woman's menstrual cycle and preparing the uterus to receive the fertilized egg, preventing it from being expelled by the body.

Normally, progesterone levels increase after ovulation and remain high if there is a pregnancy, so that the body keeps the walls of the uterus developing and does not produce an abortion. However, if there is no pregnancy, the ovaries stop producing progesterone, so the lining of the uterus is destroyed and eliminated naturally through menstruation.

Thus, decreasing normal levels of this hormone can result in fertility problems in the woman trying to conceive, or serious consequences, such as ectopic pregnancy or abortion, in the pregnant woman.

When progesterone testing is required

The progesterone test is usually indicated for women with:

  • Risky pregnancy; Irregular menstruation; Difficulty getting pregnant.

This exam is usually done in prenatal consultations, but it may be necessary to repeat more often, if the pregnant woman presents a decrease in values ​​between each visit.

Although it can be used in pregnancy, this type of test does not serve to confirm whether there is a pregnancy, the most accurate and recommended is the HCG test. See how and when it should be done.

What do progesterone levels mean

Progesterone levels can be assessed through a blood test that identifies the amount of the hormone per ml of blood. This test should be done about 7 days after ovulation, and can indicate the following results:

1. High progesterone

The progesterone level is considered high when its value is greater than 10 ng / mL, which normally happens during ovulation, that is, when the mature egg is released by the ovary. This increase in the production of the hormone serves to prepare the uterus in case of a pregnancy, and is maintained throughout the pregnancy, to prevent an abortion, for example.

Thus, high levels of progesterone are usually a good sign for anyone trying to conceive, as they allow the fertilized egg to stick to the walls of the uterus and start developing, without menstruation or the release of a new egg. In addition, high levels in a pregnant woman also indicate less risk of miscarriage.

However, if the levels remain high, even when the woman has not yet fertilized, it may be a sign of some problems such as:

  • Ovarian cysts; Excessive functioning of the adrenal glands; Cancer of the ovary or adrenal glands.

In these cases, the doctor may order other blood tests or an ultrasound to assess whether there are changes that can confirm the presence of any of these problems.

To ensure that the progesterone levels are correct, the woman should not be taking any progesterone pills during the 4 weeks before the test.

2. Low progesterone

When the progesterone value is less than 10 ng / mL, the production of this hormone is considered to be low. In these cases, the woman may have difficulty getting pregnant, as the amount of progesterone is not enough to prepare the uterus for pregnancy, eventually menstruating with the elimination of the fertilized egg. These women usually need to use progesterone supplements to increase their chances of becoming pregnant.

In pregnancy, if progesterone levels have been decreasing over the weeks, it means that there is a high risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy or an abortion and, therefore, it is necessary to start the appropriate treatment to avoid serious consequences.

Women with low progesterone may also experience symptoms such as weight gain, frequent headaches, sudden changes in mood, low sexual appetite, irregular menstruation or hot flashes, for example.

How to prepare for the exam

Preparing for the progesterone test is very important to ensure that the results are correct and that they are not being influenced by other factors. So, to take the exam it is recommended:

  • 3 hours of fasting before the exam; Inform the doctor about all the medicines you are taking; Discontinue use of progesterone pills, such as Cerazette, Juliet, Norestin or Exluton; Avoid X-rays until 7 days before;

In addition, it is also important to have the test about 7 days after ovulation, as it is the period when the levels are naturally highest. However, if the doctor is trying to assess progesterone levels outside ovulation, to assess whether they remain elevated throughout the cycle, it may be necessary to have the test before ovulation, for example.

How to correct progesterone levels

Treatment to correct progesterone levels is usually only done when the amount of the hormone is lower than normal and is done with the use of progesterone tablets, such as Utrogestan, especially in the case of women who have difficulty conceiving. In pregnant women at high risk of miscarriage, progesterone is usually injected directly into the vagina by the obstetrician or gynecologist.

However, before starting treatment, the doctor must repeat the test to confirm the result and exclude other factors that may be decreasing progesterone levels, such as having eaten before or being at another stage of the menstrual cycle, for example.

In most cases, the ingestion of this type of medication happens for 10 consecutive days and after the 17th day of the menstrual cycle, being resumed at each cycle. The duration of treatment and doses of medications must always be well calculated for each case, and guidance from the doctor is essential.

Possible side effects of treatment

The use of hormones, such as progesterone, can bring some side effects to the body such as weight gain, generalized swelling, fluid retention, excessive tiredness, discomfort in the breast region or irregular menstruation.

In addition, some women may also experience increased appetite, frequent headaches, fever and difficulty sleeping. This type of medicine should be avoided in people with arterial diseases, depression, breast cancer, vaginal bleeding outside the menstrual period or with liver diseases.

How to increase progesterone levels naturally

Since progesterone is a hormone naturally produced by the body, there are some precautions that can increase its concentration in the body, such as:

  • Take turmeric, thyme or oregano tea; Increase the intake of foods rich in vitamin B6, such as liver steak, banana or salmon; Take a magnesium supplement, with the guidance of a nutritionist; Prefer foods with a high amount of protein; Make a diet rich in vegetables, fruit and dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach;

In addition, giving preference to organic foods can also aid in the production of progesterone, since the chemicals used in packaged foods can impair the body's ability to produce hormones.

Progesterone reference values

The progesterone values ​​in the blood vary according to the menstrual period and the stage of the woman's life, being:

  • Start of menstrual period: 1 ng / mL or less; Before ovulation: less than 10 ng / mL; 7 to 10 days after ovulation: greater than 10 ng / mL; In the middle of the menstrual cycle: 5 to 20 ng / mL; First trimester of pregnancy: 11 to 90 ng / mL Second trimester of pregnancy: 25 to 90 ng / mL; Third trimester of pregnancy: 42 to 48 ng / mL.

Thus, whenever there is a change in the value, the result must be evaluated by a doctor in order to understand what may be changing the result, starting treatment if necessary.

What high or low progesterone means and how to treat