Home Home-Remedies 5 Home Remedies to Relieve Burnt Tongue

5 Home Remedies to Relieve Burnt Tongue


Sucking an ice cream, making mouthwashes with concentrated aloe juice or chewing mint gum, are small homemade tricks that help to relieve the symptoms of burnt tongue.

Burning on the tongue is something that often happens when drinking very hot food or drinks, such as hot tea or coffee, for example. When this happens, a burning sensation, pain, redness, increased sensitivity, swelling or even discoloration of the tongue appear.

Home remedies for tongue burn

To treat a burnt tongue there are several home remedies that help in relieving symptoms such as:

1. Eat something cold

As soon as the burn occurs, it is recommended to eat something cold to refresh the affected region, in order to combat the heat and the burning sensation. So, in these situations what you can do is eat an ice cream, drink something cold or suck a popsicle or ice cube.

In addition, both yogurt and gelatin are also great options to eat after the burn on the tongue because they refresh and moisturize the region and due to their texture, when gliding through the tongue these foods end up reducing the pain and discomfort of the burn.

2. Drink lots of water

Water can also be beneficial when there are burns on the tongue, as it helps to balance the pH of the mouth, reducing acidity levels. In addition, water is also responsible for keeping the skin and mucous membranes well hydrated, which helps in the recovery of the burn.

3. Mouthwash with concentrated Aloe Vera juice

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, healing and moisturizing properties and, therefore, it is ideal to relieve burning symptoms on the tongue. Discover other benefits of aloe vera.

In addition to being a delicious trick, mouthwashes made with the natural juice of this plant help the tongue mucosa to recover and heal, relieving the initial symptoms of pain, discomfort and burning sensation.

4. Eat 1 spoon of honey with Propolis

Although it is not the most delicious combination, honey with propolis is an excellent combination to help treat and moisturize the tongue mucosa. While honey helps to soften and soothe the lining of the tongue, propolis has properties that help with tissue regeneration and healing. Know what propolis is for.

Thus, it is recommended to add 1 or 2 drops of propolis to 1 tablespoon of honey, placing the mixture on the tongue and allowing it to act in the mouth as long as possible.

5. Suck on a cough drop or peppermint gum

Sucking on a cough lozenge can be a great remedy to relieve the burning and burning sensation on the tongue, as they usually contain menthol which acts as a local anesthetic, relieving pain and making the burned area numb.

In addition, menthol lozenges are also an excellent option, as the act of chewing gum helps to reduce acidity in the mouth, stimulating the production of saliva, while mint has an anti-inflammatory and calming action that relieves symptoms pain and burning.

What to do to speed recovery

During recovery, or as long as the symptoms remain, it is recommended to avoid foods that are too acidic or too salty, such as passion fruit, pineapple, snacks or olives, for example, as they may end up worsening the symptoms.

When there is no improvement in symptoms and the pain and discomfort on the tongue is very strong or when there are signs of sore on the tongue it is recommended to go to the hospital or emergency room, as a more severe burn may have occurred that requires medical treatment.

5 Home Remedies to Relieve Burnt Tongue