Home Medicinal Plants What is ibogaine and its effects

What is ibogaine and its effects


Ibogaine is the active ingredient present in the root of an African plant called Iboga, which can be used to detoxify the body and mind, helping in the treatment against the use of drugs, but which produces great hallucinations, and which is used in spiritual rituals in Africa and Central America.

The iboga is a shrub that can be found in some countries like Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Angola and Equatorial Guinea. However, its sale is prohibited in Brazil, but Anvisa authorizes its purchase after proof of prescription, medical report and term of responsibility signed by the doctor and the patient, so the treatment against drugs carried out in private clinics can use ibogaine as a form of treatment, legally.

What is Ibogaine for?

Although it still lacks scientific proof, ibogaine can be indicated for:

  • Help reduce the symptoms of addiction to drugs such as crack, cocaine, heroin, morphine and others, and completely eliminates the desire to use drugs; In African countries this plant can also be used in case of fatigue, fever, tiredness, headache. stomach, diarrhea, liver problems, sexual impotence and against AIDS.

However, many of the applications of this plant are not yet scientifically proven, and need more studies that can prove its efficacy and safety dose.

Ibogaine effects on the body

Like mushrooms and ayahuasca, ibogaine belongs to the hallucinogenic family. According to reports when eating the Iboga plant or drinking its tea, following its instructions for use, there may be a purification of the body and mind, in addition to a hallucinogenic alteration, and the person may think that it is leaving his body.

Its consumption causes visions and it is believed that it is possible to meet spirits, but it can also trigger serious psychiatric conditions, induce coma, and can cause death.

Know the types, effects and consequences of drugs for health.

Why Ibogaine is banned in Brazil

Ibogaine and the plant itself called Iboga cannot be sold in Brazil and in several other countries because there is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness and safety in humans. In addition, the plant is toxic, has a great hallucinogenic effect and can lead to psychiatric diseases because it acts directly on the central nervous system, more specifically in the regions that control the balance, memory and consciousness of the body itself, and its consequences and adverse effects are not yet fully known.

There are studies that indicate that a 4-day treatment with Iboga tea was sufficient to eliminate chemical dependency, however it is already proven that high doses can cause unpleasant side effects such as fever, fast heart beat and death. Thus, further studies are needed that can demonstrate the benefit, the way of acting and the safe dose so that Iboga can be used for medicinal purposes, including to be used in the treatment of chemical dependence due to the use of illicit drugs. Find out how treatment is done to get rid of drugs.

What is ibogaine and its effects