Home Medicinal Plants Jucá: what it is, what it is for and how to take it

Jucá: what it is, what it is for and how to take it


The jucá, also known as pau-ferro, jucaína, jacá, icainha, miraobi, miraitá, muiraitá, guratã, ipu, and muirapixuna is a tree found mainly in the northern and northeastern regions of Brazil and has a smooth and scaly, with whitish spots, reaching up to 20 meters in height.

This tree has the scientific name of Caesalpinia ferrea and studies show that it is possible to find substances called coumarins and flavonoids in jucá that have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant action.

Therefore, the bark, leaves, seeds or fruits that are used in folk medicine to treat diseases such as diabetes, cough, asthma and diarrhea are removed from this tree. The most used way of the jucá is through tea or drink with the powder of the bark, and the extract of this plant can be found in stores of natural products or in pharmacies of manipulation.

What is it for

The jucá is a plant of Brazilian origin, widely used to treat various diseases and health problems, such as:

  • Wound healing; Hemorrhage; Asthmatic crisis; Cough with phlegm; Diabetes; Respiratory allergy; Diarrhea; External hemorrhoids; Gastric ulcers.

It can also be used to help treat infections by bacteria and fungi, especially inflammation in the mouth, such as gingivitis, and can be used to prevent cancer, due to its action in protecting the body's defense cells.

In addition, some studies have been developed to prove the benefits of jucá oil in the health of the skin, as its use can increase the elasticity of the skin and help in the replacement of collagen and hyaluronic acid, reducing the negative effects of excessive exposure to the sun. See more about foods that also help with collagen replacement.

How to use the jucá

The use of Jucá can be done through the oil extracted from the fruits or through tea, which is made by cooking the leaves or by infusing the bark powder, sold in health food stores.

  • Tea with jucá leaves: use 2 teaspoons of dried jucá leaves to 1 liter of water. Cook the leaves for 10 minutes, strain and take; Drink with Jucá powder: put 1 teaspoon of jucá powder in 1 glass of water and then mix.

There are no studies that recommend the ideal dose for making tea, and it should always be done under the guidance of a herbalist and following the recommendations of a general practitioner, especially if the person already uses other medicines on a daily basis. It is also not recommended to mix the jucá with other herbal medicines or teas from other medicinal plants, as it is not known which effect will have.

Possible side effects

Because it is a plant in studies, no side effects have yet been found, however, if when drinking tea or drink with jucá a person experiences any different symptoms it is necessary to seek medical attention to analyze the symptoms and indicate the most appropriate treatment.

And yet, like other plants, the jucá must be made according to the guidance of a herbalist and a doctor, because if consumed in excess, its beneficial effects may not be achieved.

When not to take

The use of jucá is contraindicated for pregnant women, for breastfeeding women and women in the menstrual period, as it can cause hormonal changes. Care with the use of jucá in babies and children is also necessary, being necessary to consult the pediatrician doctor before offering any medicinal plant.

Jucá: what it is, what it is for and how to take it