Home Bulls What is leukorrhea and how to treat

What is leukorrhea and how to treat


Leukorrhea is the name given to vaginal discharge, which can be chronic or acute, and can also cause itching and genital irritation. Its treatment is done with the use of antibiotics or antifungals in a single dose or for 7 or 10 days depending on each situation.

The physiological vaginal secretion, being considered normal, is transparent or slightly whitish, but when there are viruses, fungi or bacteria, in the female genital region, the vaginal secretion becomes yellowish, greenish or grayish.

Vaginal flow or discharge can be caused by various diseases of the reproductive system, such as inflammation of the ovaries or uterus, candidiasis or even a simple allergy, so a well-made diagnosis is the ideal method to efficiently identify and treat your cause.

How to identify

The gynecologist is the doctor indicated to evaluate the vaginal discharge, he will be able to make the diagnosis when observing the genital organ, the panties, when evaluating the pH of the vagina and if necessary he can request the pap smear for further clarifications.

Usually the color, thickness and other symptoms present help the doctor to identify which microorganism is involved and which treatment is appropriate in each case. Know what each color of the vaginal discharge means and how it is treated.

Treatment for leukorrhea

Its treatment can be done with the use of antifungal drugs or antibiotics, prescribed by the gynecologist, such as:

  • 150 mg of Fluconazole per week for 1 to 12 weeks; 2 g of Metronidazole in a single dose or 2 tablets of 500 mg for 7 consecutive days; 1 g of Azithromycin in a single dose or 1 g Ciprofloxacin in a single dose.

Infections can be caused by unprotected intimate contact and therefore treatment of partners is recommended for treatment to achieve results.

What is leukorrhea and how to treat