Home Symptoms Ghee butter (clarified): what it is, benefits and how to do it

Ghee butter (clarified): what it is, benefits and how to do it


Ghee butter, also known as clarified butter, is a type of butter obtained from cow or buffalo milk through a process in which water and solid milk elements, including proteins and lactose, are removed, generating a purified oil from golden color and slightly transparent, being widely used in India, Pakistan and Ayurvedic medicine.

Ghee butter is more concentrated in good fats, it is healthy because it does not contain salt, lactose or casein, it does not need to be kept in the refrigerator and it is widely used today to replace the use of normal butter in meals.

Health Benefits

Moderate consumption of ghee butter can bring some health benefits, such as:

  1. It does not contain lactose, being easier to digest and can be consumed by lactose intolerants; It does not contain casein, which is a cow's milk protein, so it can be used by people with an allergy to this protein; It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, as the solid contents of the milk are removed, ensuring durability, although it remains liquid like oil; It has fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D, which are important for increasing the body's defenses, helping to keep bones, skin and hair healthy, in addition to improving healing and other benefits; It can be used in meal preparation because it is more stable at high temperatures, unlike other butters that should only be used at low temperatures.

In addition, some studies have indicated that the use of ghee butter could help lower bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, however, the results are not conclusive, due to other studies indicating the opposite, showing that the use of this butter increases cholesterol because it has high amounts of saturated fats, which are associated with an increased risk of developing heart problems.

Because of this, the ideal is to consume the clarified butter in moderation, in small portions and should be included in a balanced diet.

Nutritional information

The following table provides nutritional information for ghee butter compared to information for normal butter.

Nutritional components 5 g of ghee butter (1 teaspoon) 5 g of normal butter (1 teaspoon)
Calories 45 kcal 37 kcal
Carbohydrates 0 g 35 mg
Proteins 0 g 5 mg
Fats 5 g 4.09 g
Saturated fat 3 g 2.3 g
Monounsaturated fats 1.4 g 0.95 g
Polyunsaturated fats 0.2 g 0.12 g
Trans fats 0 g 0.16 g
Fibers 0 g 0 g
Cholesterol 15 mg 11.5 mg
Vitamin A 42 mcg 28 mcg
D vitamin 0 UI 2.6 UI
Vitamin E 0.14 mg 0.12 mg
Vitamin K 0.43 mcg 0.35 mcg
Calcium 0.2 mg 0.7 mg
Sodium 0.1 mg 37.5 mg

It is important to remember that the calories of the two butters come from fats and, in fact, both are similar in nutritional level. Therefore, the consumption of ghee butter must be accompanied by a balanced, healthy diet and should be consumed in small quantities, using 1 teaspoon per day.

How to make ghee butter at home

Ghee or clarified butter can be purchased at supermarkets, websites or nutritional stores, but can also be prepared at home, following the steps below:


  • 250 g unsalted butter (or the desired amount).

Method of preparation

  1. Place the butter in a pan, preferably glass or stainless steel, and bring to medium heat until melted and start to boil. You can also use the water bath; With the help of a slotted spoon or spoon, remove the foam that will form on the surface of the butter, trying not to touch the liquid part. The whole process takes about 30 to 40 minutes; wait for the butter to cool a little and strain the liquid with a sieve to remove the solids that form at the bottom of the pan, as they are formed by lactose; Place the butter in a jar of sterilized glass and store in the refrigerator on the first day, so that it has a hard consistency. The butter can then be stored at room temperature.

For the butter to last longer, it is important to store it in a sterile glass jar. Then, add boiled water to the bottle and wait 10 minutes, allowing it to dry naturally on a clean cloth, with the mouth facing downwards so that no air impurities enter the bottle. After drying, the bottle should be well capped and used when needed.

Ghee butter (clarified): what it is, benefits and how to do it