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What is nodular prurigo


Hyde's Nodular Prurigo is a rare and chronic skin disease that itches a lot and causes wounds that usually leave spots and scars on the skin.

Nodular prurigo is not contagious and appears more frequently in women and usually from the age of 50, appearing mostly in the arms and legs, but can also appear in other regions of the body such as the chest and belly.

As its appearance is usually associated with stress factors, the treatment that must be determined by the dermatologist is based mainly on relieving the itching until the disease disappears spontaneously, as it appeared.

Main symptoms

The main symptom of this disease is the appearance of lesions in the region of the arms and legs, which have the following characteristics:

  • Irregular lesions between 0.5 and 1.5 cm in size; They have dark color, because they are dark purple or brownish, They can present dry regions, with cuts or cracks; They show salience, being elevated in relation to the skin; They can develop into small wounds that develop small scabs.

Another very important symptom that arises is the itchy skin around these lesions, which tends to be very intense and difficult to control. In addition, these injuries appear numerous and are spaced apart by a few centimeters, in one arm can reach 20 thermal lesions, for example.

How the diagnosis is made

The diagnosis of this dermatosis is made by the dermatologist, who observes and evaluates the lesions that have appeared on the skin.

In addition, in some cases the doctor may also recommend performing a biopsy of one of the lesions, so that the collected tissue can be analyzed in the laboratory.

How the treatment is done

The treatment of these lesions is usually done by combining the action of several forms of treatment, such as treatment with topical medicines, injections, antidepressants and cryotherapy and phototherapy treatments, in order to control the symptoms. Generally, topical remedies applied are ointments containing corticosteroids or capsaicin, a topical pain reliever that anesthetizes the area and relieves symptoms of itching and discomfort. In addition, injections are often made using medications such as Triamcinolone or Xylocaine which have an anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action.

Prurigo Nodular is a disease that has no cure, there is no defined treatment and therefore the treatment is adapted to each patient, according to the intensity of the symptoms experienced.

What is nodular prurigo