Home Symptoms Transvaginal ultrasound: what it is, what it is for and how to prepare

Transvaginal ultrasound: what it is, what it is for and how to prepare


Transvaginal ultrasound, also known as transvaginal ultrasonography, or just transvaginal ultrasound, is a diagnostic test that uses a small device that is inserted into the vagina and produces sound waves that are then transformed by the computer into images of internal organs, such as uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix and vagina.

Through the images produced by this exam, it is possible to diagnose different problems of the pelvic region, such as cysts, infections, ectopic pregnancy, cancer, or even confirm a possible pregnancy.

Since the ultrasound exam has several advantages, as it is not painful, does not emit radiation and produces sharp and detailed images, it is almost always one of the first exams recommended by the gynecologist when it is necessary to assess the cause of any change in the woman's reproductive system or simply to do routine exams.

The price of the transvaginal ultrasound exam can vary between about 100 to 300 reais, depending on the region and the selected clinic. However, during pregnancy and in other cases evaluated by the gynecologist, ultrasound can be performed by SUS without any cost.

What is the exam for

In most cases, transvaginal ultrasound is used as a routine examination when the woman visits the gynecologist, or to identify possible causes for symptoms such as pelvic pain, infertility or abnormal bleeding, with no apparent cause.

In addition, it can also be advised when cysts or ectopic pregnancies are suspected, as well as for placing the IUD.

During pregnancy, this test can be used to:

  • Identify early signs of possible miscarriage; Monitor the baby's heartbeat; Examine the placenta; Identify causes of vaginal bleeding.

In some women, transvaginal ultrasound can also be used as a way to confirm a pregnancy, especially in cases of early pregnancy, for example. Find out what ultrasound is for in the different trimesters of pregnancy.

How the exam is done

The examination is done with the woman lying in a gynecological chair with her legs spread and slightly bent. During the exam, the doctor inserts the ultrasound device, which is protected with a condom and lubricant, into the vaginal canal and lets it stay for 10 to 15 minutes, being able to move it a few times to obtain better images.

During this part of the exam, the woman may feel a slight pressure on the belly or inside the vagina, but you should not feel any pain. If this happens, it is important to inform the gynecologist, so that you stop the exam or adapt the technique used.

How the preparation should be

Generally, no specific preparation is necessary, it is only recommended to bring comfortable clothes that can be removed easily. In case the woman is menstruating or bleeding outside the menstrual period, it is only recommended to remove the tampon, if using it.

In some exams, the doctor may ask you to do the ultrasound with a full bladder, in order to move the intestine away and make it easier to obtain the images, so the exam technicians can offer 2 to 3 glasses of water for about 1 hour. before the exam. In such cases, it is only advisable not to use the bathroom until the exam is performed.

Transvaginal ultrasound: what it is, what it is for and how to prepare