Home Bulls 7 Causes of spotting on the penis

7 Causes of spotting on the penis


The appearance of spots on the penis can seem a frightening change, however, in most cases, it is not a sign of any serious problem, it is almost always a natural change or appear due to an allergy.

However, whenever the stains remain for more than 2 or 3 days it is important to consult a urologist to assess whether any specific treatment is necessary, in addition to normal hygiene of the intimate region.

It is only in very rare cases that the appearance of spots can indicate the development of cancer, and in these cases, the development of small wounds that do not heal is more common. Check out the 7 main symptoms of cancer in the penis.

1. Poor hygiene

This is the most common cause of the appearance of red spots on the glans of the penis and is usually related to poor hygiene of the intimate region. However, it can also happen in men who play a lot of sport, due to the excessive production of sweat that facilitates the growth of bacteria.

What to do: it is important to maintain adequate daily hygiene of the intimate region, washing with a neutral pH soap and warm water, in addition to recommending the use of cotton underwear to facilitate air circulation in the region. In the case of men with excessive sweat production, it may even be necessary to take two baths a day.

2. Allergy

The intimate area is a very sensitive part of the body, which can become inflamed due to contact with less natural substances, such as soaps or creams, for example. In these cases, it is common for the glans in the penis to inflame, causing redness or red spots of different sizes.

In addition to products that can be used in the intimate area, many men may also have allergies to some types of fabrics, especially when they are synthetic and do not allow the skin to breathe.

What to do: avoid using products with many chemicals in the intimate area, as well as prefer to use cotton underwear, for example.

3. Candidiasis

In addition to poor hygiene and penile allergies, candidiasis is another major cause of red spots on the penis. Candidiasis is an infection by the fungus candida albicans that causes the appearance of red, purple or white spots, swelling and intense itching of the penis.

Although it is more common in women, it can also happen in men, especially when the immune system is weakened due to the flu or infection, for example.

What to do: Candidiasis needs to be treated with the use of antifungal ointments, such as Fluconazole or Ketoconazole, in addition to proper hygiene. In the most severe cases, you may need to take anti-fungal pills. Better understand how the treatment of candidiasis in men is done.

4. Use of antibiotics or anti-inflammatories

The use of anti-inflammatories, painkillers or antibiotics can have side effects that affect the intimate region. One of these effects is sometimes the development of red spots with a gray center on the penis. In these cases, they may still look like small bubbles or darker areas.

What to do: if you have started using a new medicine it is important to refer the appearance of the stains to the doctor, to assess the need to change medication.

5. Pearly papules

Pearly papules are an inflammation of the Tyson glands found under the head of the penis and, although they are more common to cause small white pimples, there are men in whom this change is not very noticeable, and it is only possible to observe a clearer color change, being confused with small white spots.

What to do: the papules are a benign alteration that does not need treatment, however, if you change the aesthetics of the penis a lot, it is possible to discuss with the urologist the use of techniques such as cryotherapy or cauterization, for example. Learn more about the treatment for inflammation of the Tyson glands.

6. Fordyce granules

The granules can cause small white or yellowish spots or pellets to appear on the head or body of the penis. This alteration is almost always benign and, therefore, should not be a cause for concern, being more frequent during adolescence.

What to do: no treatment is necessary, however, the urologist can recommend some creams with tretinoin that can eliminate these spots. See more about treating Fordyce granules.

7. Syphilis

Syphilis is a serious sexually transmitted disease that can cause changes in the penis. One of the first changes is the development of a small lump that can be accompanied by a red, brown or dark spot.

Although this lesion may disappear after 4 to 5 weeks, it does not mean that the disease is cured, but that it is progressing to a more serious stage, where it will affect the entire body. Thus, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible. See more about the evolution of the disease.

What to do: If syphilis is suspected, it is very important to go immediately to the general practitioner or urologist to confirm the diagnosis and start treatment with antibiotics, such as penicillin.

7 Causes of spotting on the penis