Home Symptoms Ringing in the ear: understand the causes and know how to identify and treat

Ringing in the ear: understand the causes and know how to identify and treat


Ringing in the ear, also known as tinnitus , is an uncomfortable sound perception that can arise in the form of hisses, whistles, cicada, waterfall, clicks or crackles, which may be light, heard only during silence, or be intense to the point of persist throughout the day.

It can affect about 15% of people throughout their lives, becoming more frequent over the years, being common in the elderly, and is caused mainly by injuries inside the ear, due to situations such as hearing noise or loud music, ear infections, head injuries, drug poisoning or aging itself, for example.

Tinnitus because it has a cure, depending on its cause, however, there is no medication to solve the problem, being recommended a treatment that involves the use of hearing aids, sound therapies, improvements in sleep, food and relaxation techniques, for example., as alternatives to improve symptoms, and are recommended by the otorhinolaryngologist.

What causes ringing in the ear

The main causes that lead to the appearance of tinnitus in the ear are related to hearing loss, both due to the deterioration of the sensory cells of the ear, located in the cochlea, and by conditions that alter the conduction of sound, and can be caused by:

  • Aging; Exposure to loud noises; Listening to loud music often, especially with headphones; Earwax plug.

Other causes may include:

  • Use of toxic drugs for the ear, ASA, anti-inflammatory, chemotherapy, antibiotics and diuretics, for example; Inflammation in the ear, as in labyrinthitis, and in these cases it is common to have dizziness associated. Learn how to identify and treat labyrinthitis; Tumors in the brain or ear; Stroke; Metabolism disorders such as changes in blood glucose, cholesterol or high blood pressure; Hormonal changes such as elevation of thyroid hormones; Changes in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ); Psychogenic causes, such as anxiety and depression.

In addition, ringing in the ear can also be caused by changes in the structures around the ears, which include situations such as spasms in the muscles of the ear or the pulse of blood vessels in the region, for example.

How to confirm

To identify the cause of the ringing in the ear, the doctor will evaluate the symptoms presented, such as the type of tinnitus, when it appears, the time it lasts and the associated symptoms, which may include dizziness, imbalance or palpitations, for example.

Then, the doctor should make an internal observation of the ears, jaw and blood vessels in the region. In addition, it may be necessary to perform imaging tests such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, which may more accurately identify changes in the brain or in the structure of the ears.

How the treatment is done

To treat ringing in the ear it is necessary to know the cause of the tinnitus. Sometimes, the treatment is simple, including the removal of wax by the doctor, the use of antibiotics to treat the infection or surgery to correct defects in the ear, for example.

However, in some cases, treatment is time-consuming and more complicated, and you may need a set of therapies that can help relieve symptoms or reduce the perception of tinnitus. Some of the options include:

  • Wear hearing aids to treat hearing loss. Understand when it is necessary to use hearing aids and the main types; Sound therapy, with the emission of white noises through specific devices, which can help to decrease the perception of tinnitus; Use of anxiolytics or antidepressants to decrease anxiety; Use of medicines vasodilators, such as betahistine and pentoxifylline, for example, that can help improve blood circulation in the ear and decrease tinnitus; treat diseases that may be triggering symptoms, such as high cholesterol, diabetes or high blood pressure; favor quality sleep; maintain a healthy lifestyle habit and avoid consumption of triggering substances, such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee and artificial sweeteners, such as aspartate, for example.

In addition, alternative therapies such as acupuncture, music therapy or relaxation techniques can be helpful in reducing the sensation of tinnitus. Find out more details on how to treat tinnitus at: Treatment for Tinnitus in the Ear.

Ringing in the ear: understand the causes and know how to identify and treat