Chemosis is characterized by swelling of the conjunctiva of the eye, which is the tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid and the surface of the eye. The swelling can manifest as a blister, usually transparent that can cause itching, watery eyes and blurred vision, and in some cases, the person may have difficulty closing the eye.
The treatment consists of treating the swelling, which can be done with the aid of cold compresses, and the cause that is at the origin of the chemosis, which can be an allergy, an infection or a side effect of surgery, for example.
Possible causes
There are several causes that can be the cause of chemosis, such as allergies to pollen or animal hair, for example, angioedema, bacterial or viral infections, after surgery to the eye, such as blepharoplasty, as a result of hyperthyroidism or eye damage, such as scratches on the cornea, contact with chemicals or the simple gesture of rubbing the eyes, for example.
What symptoms
The characteristic symptoms of chemosis are redness, swelling and watering of the eye, itching, blurred vision, double vision and eventually formation of a liquid bubble and consequent difficulty in closing the eye.
See 10 causes that may be the cause of eye redness.
How the treatment is done
Chemosis treatment depends on the root cause. However, it is possible to relieve swelling by applying cold compresses to the eye area People who wear contact lenses should suspend their use for a few days.
If chemosis results from an allergy, the person should avoid contact with allergens and treatment can be done with antihistamines, such as loratadine, for example, which must be prescribed by the doctor, to help reduce the allergic reaction.
If a bacterial infection is the cause of the chemosis, the doctor may prescribe eye drops or eye ointments with antibiotics. Know how to differentiate bacterial conjunctivitis from viral conjunctivitis.
If chemosis occurs after a blepharoplasty, the doctor may apply eye drops with phenylephrine and dexamethasone, which help to reduce swelling and irritation.