Home Bulls What is multiple chemical sensitivity and how to treat

What is multiple chemical sensitivity and how to treat


Multiple chemical sensitivity (SQM) is a rare type of allergy that manifests itself generating symptoms such as irritation in the eyes, runny nose, difficulty breathing and headache, when the individual is exposed to common everyday chemicals like new clothes, smell of shampoo or other cosmetic products, car pollution, alcohol, etc. Its main cause is indoor pollution in buildings.

This rare type of severe allergy is also called Chemical Intolerance and Chemical Hypersensitivity. In the most severe cases of the disease, isolation of the patient may be necessary, which implies a major psychological disorder.

This sensitivity is worsened due to the constant presence of chemical substances present in the air coming from wall paints, furniture, cleaning products used and office machines, for example, which, when in contact with light and humidity, favor the proliferation of micro -organisms.

In affected people, the individual's immune system is always "alert" and whenever he is exposed to another type of chemical substance, it generates a chronic allergic reaction, which often prevents work.

Signals and symptons

Symptoms of multiple chemical sensitivity can be mild or disabling, and include:

  • Nausea, Headache, Runny nose, Red eyes, Scalp pain, Ear pain, Drowsiness, Palpitations, Diarrhea, Abdominal cramps and Joint pain.

However, not everyone needs to be present for the diagnosis of the disease.

How to identify

In order to identify multiple chemical sensitivity, blood tests, allergy tests, immune profiles and interviews are recommended. Knowing what the patient works in, what the building is like and what their home is like is very important to help diagnose the disease. The most suitable doctor is the allergist or immunoallergologist.

How is the treatment

To treat multiple chemical sensitivity, it is not enough to take antihistamines, antidepressants and psychotherapy, it is necessary to remove the cause, keeping the places you always visit very clean and airy, because the chances of concentration of microorganisms are less.

Since we spend an average of 8 hours a night locked in a room, it should be as clean as possible in the house, with good ventilation and a small number of carpets, curtains and blankets.

The use of an air purifier inside the room is also one of the ways to facilitate the work of the liver, to filter all toxins in the body, reducing the risk of respiratory allergies and crises of multiple chemical sensitivity.

When the cause of the problem is in the work environment, it is necessary to clean it. Adopting a dehumidifier and air purifier inside the work room is one way to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction.

What is multiple chemical sensitivity and how to treat