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What is tryptophan and what is it for


Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, that is, that the organism cannot produce, and must be obtained from food. This amino acid helps to synthesize serotonin, known as the "pleasure hormone", melatonin and niacin and for this reason it is associated with the treatment and prevention of depression, anxiety, insomnia and can even assist in the weight loss process.

Tryptophan can be found in some foods like dark chocolate and nuts, but it can also be bought in pharmacies because it exists as a food supplement, however it should only be consumed under the guidance of a nutritionist or doctor.

What is it for

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that participates in several metabolic functions, serving to:

  • Combat depression; Control anxiety; Increase mood; Improve memory; Increase learning ability; Regulate sleep, relieving insomnia symptoms; Help control weight.

The effects and, consequently, benefits of tryptophan happen because this amino acid helps to form the hormone serotonin which is essential to prevent stress disorders like depression and anxiety. In addition, tryptophan is used to treat pain, bulimia, attention deficit, hyperactivity, chronic fatigue and PMS.

The hormone serotonin helps in the formation of the hormone melatonin that regulates the body's internal biological clock rhythm, improving the quality of sleep, since melatonin is produced during the night.

Where to find tryptophan

Tryptophan can be found in foods such as cheese, egg, pineapple, tofu, salmon, nuts, almonds, peanuts, Brazil nuts, avocados, peas, potatoes and bananas. Discover other tryptophan-rich foods.

Tryptophan can also be found as a food supplement in capsule, tablet or powder, being sold in health food stores, pharmacies or drugstores.

Tryptophan helps you lose weight?

Tryptophan gets thinner because, by producing serotonin, it helps to control anxiety that often leads to compulsive and uncontrolled food consumption. The reduction in serotonin synthesis has been associated with an increased appetite for carbohydrates.

Food is often associated with feelings, so in states of anxiety and depression foods that give more pleasure and that are more caloric can be consumed, such as chocolate, which helps to increase the production of serotonin and the sensation of pleasure.

If tryptophan source foods are ingested during the daily diet, the need to compensate for the production of serotonin with an excessive intake of chocolate or other foods that increase pleasure is less and that is why the intake of tryptophan is related to weight loss.

What is tryptophan and what is it for