Home Symptoms Cervical uncoarthrosis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment

Cervical uncoarthrosis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment


Uncoarthrosis is a condition that results from changes caused by osteoarthritis in the cervical spine, in which the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity due to the loss of water and nutrients, becoming increasingly thin and less resistant to movement, which facilitates its break.

These changes that appear in the intervertebral discs, cause bone reactions in the adjacent vertebrae, leading to the formation of parrot beaks, which is a kind of defense of the organism that makes the bone grow in order to make the spine stronger.

This "extra" bone tends to fuse the vertebrae, pressing on delicate regions of the spine, such as the spinal cord and nerves, causing hypertrophy of the ligaments and other joints of the spine.

What symptoms

The most common symptoms that can manifest in people with cervical uncoarthrosis are pain, tingling in the arms, muscle weakness and tremors and difficulty in moving the neck due to loss of joint amplitude in the cervical region

Possible causes

The causes that may be the cause of cervical uncoarthrosis are genetic and hereditary factors, the occurrence of lesions in the region, use of cigarettes, advancing age, having any occupation or hobby that involves repetitive movements or heavy work or being overweight, which you can place extra pressure on the spine, resulting in early wear.

What is the diagnosis

To diagnose the disease, the doctor can perform a physical examination and ask the person some questions, to understand the signs and symptoms they complain about.

In addition, you can also use tests such as X-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging or electromyography, for example.

How the treatment is done

Generally, the treatment is carried out with analgesic, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxant medications, and can also be supplemented with supplements of glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate, which will help to strengthen the joints. Learn how glucosamine and chondroitin work and how to take them.

In addition, the person should rest as long as possible and the doctor may also recommend osteopathic or physical therapy sessions. In addition, the practice of moderate physical exercise can also be very beneficial, as long as it is done under the guidance of a qualified professional, such as a physiotherapist, physical education teacher, physiatrist.

In more severe cases, where there is compression on the spinal cord or nerve roots, the doctor may recommend surgery, in order to release these nervous structures and stabilize the spine.

Cervical uncoarthrosis: what it is, main symptoms and treatment