- How to identify vaginismus
- Causes of vaginismus
- What to do if you have difficulty penetrating
- Treatment for vaginismus
Vaginismus corresponds to the involuntary contraction of the woman's pelvic floor muscles, which does not allow vaginal penetration during intimate contact or the penetration of other objects, such as a tampon or vaginal speculum that is used by the gynecologist during routine examinations.
This change can happen at any stage of the woman's sexual life and can have physical or psychological causes, such as fear of becoming pregnant, sexual abuse, urinary tract diseases or hemorrhoids, for example. Despite having several causes, vaginismus can be easily treated, it is important that it is done by the gynecologist and, in some cases, with the help of a psychologist.
There are 2 types of vaginismus, the primary, in which the woman has never undergone penetration, either through gynecological exams, use of intimate pads or intimate contact, and the secondary, which is triggered by traumatic events, such as sexual abuse, childbirth, surgery or menopause, for example.
How to identify vaginismus
The symptoms of vaginismus are easy to perceive, with mainly difficulty or impossibility of penetration. However, other symptoms may be present, such as pain during intimate contact, contraction or burning in the vagina and discomfort during gynecological examinations or insertion of tampons.
The symptoms of vaginismus can also vary from woman to woman according to the cause, it is important that the diagnosis of vaginismus is made by the general practitioner or gynecologist so that the treatment can be established correctly and the symptoms can be evaluated.
Causes of vaginismus
Vaginismus can have physical and psychological causes, such as memory of painful sexual relationships in the past, fear of becoming pregnant or of being controlled by men. Other causes of vaginismus include:
- Fear of pain from intimate contact; Fear of becoming pregnant; Anxiety and stress; Sexual abuse or testimony of sexual abuse; Unbalanced religious education; Diseases such as urinary tract infection, endometriosis, pelvic tumors; Trauma related to childbirth; Discomfort in relation to intimate contact; After menopause due to genital atrophy; rigid hymen; vaginal septum; hemorrhoids; vaginal caruncles;
It is important to clarify that the contraction of the muscles of the vagina is involuntary and the woman is not responsible for this contraction, bringing discontent also to her.
What to do if you have difficulty penetrating
If the woman has difficulty during penetration it is important to seek medical help because there are several strategies that can help to solve the problem and make it possible for her to have a healthy and pleasurable sex life. Making an appointment with a gynecologist is the first step you should take because it is necessary to investigate whether there are diseases that are causing this difficulty.
When it is clear that the causes are psychological, it is essential to carry out treatment with a psychologist or psychiatrist to deal with emotions and cure trauma, if necessary. It is important that the partner is also evaluated by the doctor because situations such as sexual impotence and premature ejaculation also favor vaginismus, and can be resolved.
Treatment for vaginismus
Treatment for vaginismus should be done according to the cause and may include the use of anti-anxiety medications, anesthetics in the form of an ointment, in addition to the use of vaginal vasodilators.
It can also be done with the use of vaginal dilation techniques in association with Kegel exercises, which are exercises that work on the female intimate region, in order to allow penetration. Initially, the woman should be instructed to know her intimate anatomy and how to perform Kegel exercises, and thus achieve the penetration of small objects such as a cotton swab, for example. Learn how to do Kegel exercises.
Vaginismus treatment should be guided by a gynecologist and the help of a physiotherapist specialized in women's health contributes to better results. Psychological counseling, with cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy techniques, can facilitate, speed up the process and reduce anxiety and is therefore also indicated.