- Main symptoms
- How to confirm the diagnosis
- How the treatment is done
- How is the surgery done
- Possible complications
Varicocele is a dilation of the testicular veins that causes blood to accumulate, leading to symptoms such as pain, heaviness and swelling at the site. Usually, it is more frequent in the left testicle, but it can appear on either side, and can even affect both testicles at the same time, being known as bilateral varicocele.
Since varicocele can cause infertility, as the accumulation of blood can decrease the production and quality of sperm, it is important to consult the urologist to start the appropriate treatment and avoid the appearance of this type of complications.
Varicocele is curable through surgery, but not all cases are able to achieve fertility, especially if there is already damage to the structures of the testicles. Know other causes that can cause infertility in men.
Main symptoms
Common symptoms of varicocele can include:
- Pain in the testicles, which can vary between discomfort and severe pain; Pain that improves when lying on your back; Swelling or presence of lumps in the testicles; Feeling of heaviness in the testicles; Infertility;
There are also cases in which varicocele does not have any symptoms, and can therefore be diagnosed only in routine visits to the urologist.
See other problems that can cause pain in the testicles and what to do in each case.
How to confirm the diagnosis
Varicocele can be identified by the doctor through a test of palpation of the testicles, which must be done lying down and standing up, since in some cases the varicocele may not be felt in certain positions, so an evaluation should be performed. in more than one position.
However, it may also be necessary to do an ultrasound to identify in more detail the affected site and the position of the testicular structures.
How the treatment is done
Treatment for varicocele is usually only recommended when the man has symptoms. Thus, if there is exaggerated pain or swelling, the urologist can indicate the intake of analgesic drugs, such as Dipyrone or Ibuprofen, and the use of testicular braces.
However, in cases of infertility, pain that does not improve or problems in testicular functioning, it may be necessary to have surgery, called a varicocelectomy, which allows the problem to be eliminated once and for all.
How is the surgery done
This type of surgery can be done in 3 different ways:
- Open surgery: it is the most classic type of surgery in which the doctor makes a cut in the groin area to observe the varicocele and "knot" the affected vein, allowing blood to circulate only through normal veins; Laparoscopy: it is similar to open surgery, but in this case the doctor makes small cuts in the abdomen and inserts thin tubes through which he repairs the varicocele; Percutaneous embolization: this is a less common technique in which the doctor inserts a tube through a vein in the groin to the location of the varicocele, and then releases a liquid that closes the dilated vein of the varicocele.
Depending on the type of surgery used, the recovery time may vary, the most time consuming being open surgery, followed by laparoscopy and finally by embolization. Learn more about varicocele surgery.
In any type of surgery it is possible that mild pain may arise and, therefore, comfortable underwear should be worn and ice should be applied to the area during the first 24 hours, with the possibility of returning to normal activities after about 10 days. or as directed by the doctor.
Possible complications
When the testicle has a varicocele it is very common that over time it will decrease in size and become softer, losing function. Although the specific cause of this is not known, it is possible that it is related to the increase in pressure at the site.
In addition, if the accumulation of blood in the varicocele causes an increase in temperature around the testicles it is also possible that the quality of the sperm is affected, even in the testicle that is not affected, which can cause infertility.