Hopi ear candles are used in traditional Chinese medicine as a complementary therapy for the treatment of sinusitis and other congestion problems such as rhinitis, flu, headaches, tinnitus and even vertigo.
This type of candle is a kind of straw made with cotton, beeswax and chamomile that is placed in the ear and lights a flame. Because it is long and narrow, the candle is used to soften the wax inside the ear through heat, however, it is not a technique recommended by otolaryngologists due to the risk of burning and rupture of the eardrum. Therefore, to treat these health problems it is recommended to consult a doctor to wash the ear.
What are the risks
The hopi candle is a type of natural treatment that arose in the past using techniques used by Hindus, Egyptians and Chinese and is used mainly to reduce tinnitus and ear pain, clean ear wax and impurities, reduce the feeling of vertigo. and dizziness, as well, to relieve symptoms of sinusitis, rhinitis and other respiratory allergies.
However, these benefits are not scientifically proven and are not recommended by otorhinolaryngologists, as some studies say that in addition to not improving sinus symptoms, this technique can cause allergies, burns on the face and ears, in addition to the risk of causing damage to the eardrum., such as infections and perforations, leading to temporary or permanent hearing loss. Check out other natural techniques that really cure sinus symptoms.
How the Hopi candle is used
Some clinics specializing in traditional Chinese medicine carry out this type of therapy and should only be done in these cases and with the authorization of a doctor, it is contraindicated to use the Hopi candle at home, because of the risk of burns and ear injuries.
Each treatment session with the Hopi candle in the clinics can take about 30 to 40 minutes, that is, 15 minutes for each ear. Generally, the person is lying on his side on a stretcher and the professional places the finer tip of the candle inside the ear canal and then lights the thicker tip. When burning the candle, the ashes accumulate in the leaf around the candle, so that it does not fall on the person.
To ensure that the candle is properly positioned, no smoke should come out of the ear. At the end of the procedure, after using Hopi candle for 15 minutes in each ear, the flame will be extinguished, in a basin with water.
What should be done
In cases where the person has health problems such as sinusitis, rhinitis or respiratory allergy, it is best to consult an otorhinolaryngologist who will recommend appropriate treatments for each situation.
In some situations, depending on the person's condition, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers and antibiotics, if there is an ear infection. Ear washing can also be performed by the doctor as it is a simple procedure based on safe techniques. Check out more how ear washing is done and what it is for.
Here are some recommended options for natural sinus treatment: