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What are the risks of purple in pregnancy and how to treat


Thrombocytopenic purpura in pregnancy is an autoimmune disease, in which the body's own antibodies destroy blood platelets. This disease can be serious, especially if it is not well monitored and treated, because the mother's antibodies can pass to the fetus.

The treatment of this disease can be done with corticosteroids and gamma globulins and, in more severe cases, it may be necessary to perform a platelet transfusion or even the removal of the spleen. Learn more about thrombocytopenic purpura.

What are the risks

Women who suffer from thrombocytopenic purpura during pregnancy may be at risk during childbirth. In some cases, the baby's bleeding may occur during labor and may consequently cause injury or even the baby's death, as the mother's antibodies, when passed on to the baby, can lead to a decrease in the number of baby's platelets during pregnancy or immediately after birth.

How the diagnosis is made

By performing an umbilical cord blood test, even during pregnancy, it is possible to determine the presence or absence of antibodies and detect the number of platelets in the fetus, in order to prevent these complications.

If the antibodies have reached the fetus, a cesarean section may be performed, as indicated by the obstetrician, to prevent problems during delivery, such as cerebral hemorrhage in the newborn, for example.

What is the treatment

Treatment for purpura in pregnancy can be done with corticosteroids and gamma globulins, to temporarily improve the pregnant woman's blood clotting, preventing bleeding and allowing labor to be safely induced, without uncontrollable bleeding.

In more serious situations, a transfusion of platelets and even the removal of the spleen can be done, to prevent further destruction of the platelets.

What are the risks of purple in pregnancy and how to treat