Home Medicinal Plants What is it for and how to use common mint

What is it for and how to use common mint


Common mint, scientifically known as Mentha spicata, is a medicinal and aromatic plant, with properties that help treat digestive problems, such as poor digestion, flatulence, nausea or vomiting, for example, but mint also has calming and expectorant effects.

One of the main uses of peppermint tea is to reduce intestinal gases, being a great home remedy for flatulence, as this medicinal plant has anti-spasmodic properties, decreasing bowel movements and preventing the formation of gases and pain.

How to make mint tea

To make mint tea, simply place 3 tablespoons of dried mint leaves in 250 ml of boiling water and cover for 5 minutes, strain and drink the tea 2 to 4 times throughout the day. Alternatively, fresh leaves removed from the plant can also be used.

In addition to this mint tea for flatulence, it is important to avoid eating foods that cause gas, such as beans, chickpeas, turnips, broccoli or radishes, for example.

However, in addition to tea, the benefits of this plant can be used in several ways, being used as a spice in cooking, dry extract or as an essential oil, great for massages and aromatherapy to relieve headaches and muscles.

This species of mint, also known as green mint, orchard or common, has the thickest and roundest leaves, and is one of the mint types, a group of which also includes peppermint, which is more ardent and has the long, thin leaves. Know the properties of peppermint.

What is Mint for

Mint is rich in vitamins A and C, and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and potassium, and has mainly antioxidant and immunity-boosting properties. Thus, mint serves to:

  • Relieve intestinal gases, as this plant has an anti-spasmodic effect, capable of reducing intestinal cramps and digestive changes, and anti-emetic, relieving nausea and vomiting; Facilitate digestion and decrease heartburn by activating the production of bile and improving the function of the digestive system; Help relieve fever, especially when associated with ginger, as it stimulates circulation; Fight headache, as it is a vasodilator and capable of activating circulation; Reduce symptoms of stress, anxiety and agitation by having tranquilizing effects; Act as an antiseptic, able to hinder the growth of bacteria and amoebae in the digestive tract.

In addition, mint serves to assist in the treatment of colds and flu, as it contains ascorbic acid, menthol and tinol in its composition, having an expectorant and decongestant action.

Drinking mint tea often improves the functioning of the whole organism, it can be used as a spice in meat meals such as kid or pork and also flavoring soups or even in fruit juices such as lemon or pineapple for example.

How to use mint in different presentations

The benefits of mint can be used in the form of:

  • Leaves or dry extracts, to season food and make teas. Check out some recipes on how to make mint tea. Essential oil, as a form of aromatherapy or relaxing and invigorating massages; Capsules, for daily consumption in a more concentrated form; Cosmetics, to contribute with its invigorating and antiseptic effects on the skin;

The dosage used in each situation depends on the form and the product, being specified on the label of the package or the manufacturer's instructions box and, in case of doubt regarding the use, consult the doctor beforehand.

Mint can be purchased from health food stores, drugstores or free markets, and, in addition, it is possible to purchase a seedling at a garden store, so that it can be grown in pots at home.

Who should not use

Mint should be avoided by people with severe reflux or hiatus hernia, in addition to pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and children under 5 years old, as the menthol that makes up mint can cause shortness of breath and suffocation.

Watch the following video and check out the benefits of mint and learn how to prepare recipes with this herb:

What is it for and how to use common mint