Home Medicinal Plants Properties of ipecacuanha

Properties of ipecacuanha


Ipeca is a small shrub only 30 cm high, which can be used as a medicinal plant to induce vomiting, stop diarrhea and to release secretions from the respiratory system. It is also known as Ipecacuanha, Ipeca-genuine, poaia and gray poia, widely used to induce vomiting.

Its scientific name is Psychotria ipecacuanha and can be purchased in the form of syrup in health food stores and in some handling pharmacies. The parts used of this plant for phytotherapic purposes are its roots and this plant has large oval leaves in bright green tones and opposite, with white flowers that after fertilized become small clusters of red fruits.

Ipeca indications

Ipecacuanha serves to induce vomiting and to help treat bronchitis, pneumonia and amoeba infestation. In the past, Ipeca was used in case of poisoning, but this indication is no longer accepted by the FDA, the agency that regulates the marketing of medicines in the United States.

How to use Ipeca

Ipecacuanha is a toxic plant and should only be used in industrialized form. Overdosing is only 2g of its roots and can cause serious health problems. Its compounds can reach the Central Nervous System and cause hallucinations and can be used in religious rituals.

Ipeca Properties

Ipecacuanha has emetine and cephaline, and can be used to treat diarrhea caused by amoebas, as an expectorant can be useful in case of flu, bronchitis and asthma, and also acts as an astringent and anti-inflammatory.

Side effects of Ipeca

After excessive or prolonged ingestion of this plant, gastritis, tachycardia, low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, seizures, shock can occur and can even lead to coma. These effects can be reversed by stopping your intake.

Contraindications for Ipeca

Ipecacuanha is contraindicated for children under 6 months of age, during pregnancy or when an individual has ingested kerosene, gasoline or acidic or alkaline corrosive agents. As it is a toxic medicinal plant it should only be used under medical advice.

Properties of ipecacuanha